Page 81 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 81




                Dryers with all the features and the flexibility for

                silk screen printing or digital printing on glass, are                PEEDING UP THE

                what today’s glass processors need and are what                   S   DRYING PROCESS
                                                                                      In every printing process
                Cugher presents to our readers in this article.                   there is the need to dry the paint
                                                                                  and anchor it onto the printed sur-
                                                                                  face as soon as possible. The rea-
                                                                                  son for this is to enable the printed
                                                                                  surface to be handled without
                                                                                  damaging the printed image, and,
                                                                                  moreover, to avoid the contamina-
                                                                                  tion of the ink/enamel due to dust
                                                                                  in the production area.
                                                                                  Two main goals must be achieved
                                                                                  to speed-up the drying process:
                                                                                  the first is to transfer energy to
                                                                                  the ink/enamel, and the second is
                                                                                  to evacuate the vapours generated
                                                                                  by the solvents during the curing
                                                                                  According to ink specifications,
                                                                                  hot air, infrared radiation or UV
                                                                                  radiation are the most known and
                                                                                  widely available technologies to
                                                                                  transfer the energy required for the
                                                                                  curing process.
                                                                                  To evacuate vapours, on the con-
                                                                                  trary, the only way is to have air
                                                                                  flowing on the printed surface and
                                                        Digital                   an efficient exhaust system. This
                                                                                  also removes the vapours from the
                                                        Ready                     printed surface, accelerating the
                                                                                  drying process.
                                                                                  In the glass industry infrared cur-
                                                                                  able inks are the preferred in terms
                                                                                  of quality and stability.

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