Page 82 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 82


                                                           HOODS PNEUMATIC LIFTING SYSTEM


                                                                                                 Cugher speeds-up
                                                                                              the drying process through
                                                                                                the efficient transfer
                                                                                             of energy to the ink/enamel
                                                                                            and the capability of evacuating
                                                                                            vapours generated by solvents
                                                                                              during the curing process

                                     arrange hot sections with   is determined by the tem-  can be activated separately.
           INFRARED DRYERS –         up to five modules, each   perature on the glass that   The IR dryer is, in fact,
           STANDARD WIDTHS           1.4 metres long, resulting   clients need to achieve.  always provided with re-
           AND MODULAR               in IR tunnels from 1.4 to                          circulation and an exhaust
           LENGTH                    7 meters, meeting all the   UV AND HOT             system. Considering that
           Cugher Glass has, in the   most common require-    SOLUTIONS TOO             the IR lamps (with a spe-
           last decade, developed a   ments in terms of tem-  Of course, Cugher can also   cific power of 20-24 w/cm
           family of infrared dryers,   perature and cycle time.   provide UV and the hot air   each according to the size
           with standard widths (1   Downstream from the hot   solutions, as well as totally   of the dryer) also gener-
           metre, 1.3 metres, 1.6 me-  modules there are also cold   integrated solution with   ate a consistent amount
           tres, 2 metres, 2.3 metres,   modules of course, which   hot air, infrared and UV   of heat, with the hot air
           2.5 metres) and modular   are part of the supply. The   lamps in one single ma-  directed on the printed
           length. Cugher can, in fact,   number of cold modules   chine. Each curing system   surface by the recircula-

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