Page 84 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 84

Easy maintenance thanks to
                                    particular mechanical solutions

           be set accordingly module   from the bottom, which re-
           by module.                quires a lamp or mirrors on
           Since we are talking about   the bottom of the conveying
           a tunnel, the glass needs to   system. A belt would mask
           be driven through the dryer   and interfere with the radia-                      AIR RECIRCULATION SYSTEM
           with a conveying system.   tion, while a roller system
                                     grants the proper space   bed may lead to undesired   steel free rollers instead of
           BELT SYSTEMS ON           without interference.    wearing of the belt and may   bars. With this simple kit,
           CUGHER IR DRYERS          Last but not least, in the   also result in issues on the   glass up to 19 millimetres
           The conveying system can   case of broken glass,   tracking of the belt. Cugh-  thick can be cured in the
           be a fibre-glass PTFE coat-  since we are mainly talk-  er dryers are designed to   dryer running smoothly on
           ed belt with a width slightly   ing about non tempered or   be installed with stainless-  the belt.
           wider than the maximum    laminated glass, with the
           glass size, or it can be a   roller system the pieces are
           roller conveyor (donuts or   small enough to fall in be-  IR DRYERS FEATURES
           full roller), where the roll-  tween the rollers, while in
           ers need to be in steel cov-  case of belts the pieces will   In a decade of installations, Cugher has improved its IR dryers
           ered with some sort of pro-  be transported on the mesh   with a number of interesting features:
           tection, typically fibre-glass   out of the dryer.    •  Internal parts of the dryer in stainless steel;
           or ceramic material.      Cugher IR dryers are there-  •  Hot swappable recirculation fans;
           From the mechanical point   fore equipped with a belt   •  Rotation feedback of the fans;
                                                                •  Adjustable speed of the fans;
           of view, the belt system is   system, which runs on a   •  Heating and cooling sections of the dryer with independent belts;
           preferred due to the fact   stainless-steel bars bed.   •  Tracking of the belts with optical sensors and mechanical over-run;
           that the motor and track-  This system originally used   •  Rotation feedback to check if the belt is broken or not running;
           ing are totally outside the   a grid, but with some inks   •  Shell opening of the hoods on the operator side, with LOTO
           hot chamber, facilitating   the longitudinal supports   ready lockable device;
           the work of maintenance   reflected the radiation and   • Recipe system;
           personnel. Operations such   overheated the glass, which   •  Temperature trend recording;
           as greasing and tuning are   were visible after temper-  •  Possibility to bypass one single module in the case of failure,
           carried out in safety outside   ing or bending processes.   enabling to continue production, even though at lower rate;
           the IR tunnel – even if the   For this reason, Cugher re-  •  Energy saving mode;
           dryer is hot – while the belt   moved the longitudinal sup-  • Bypass mode.
                                                                In addition, on request it is possible to integrate the following:
           can be cleaned when the   ports many years ago, and   •  Heating elements in parallel to the IR lamps;
           dryer is at set-point simply   nowadays the belt runs on   •  Shell opening at the back for easier maintenance, with LOTO
           brushing the belt while run-  transversal bars only.    ready lockable device;
           ning with brushes and rags.                          •  Pyrometer kit out of the hot section;
           On the contrary, in the case   Stainless steel rollers  •  Pyrometer kit out of the cold section;
           of UV dryers, a roller system   If the glass is thicker than   •  Kit for small glasses;
           is preferred because modern   8 millimetres, the friction   •  Remote assistance device.
           inks require radiation also   of the belt on the bars’
                                                                                     Cugher Glass Srl
                                                                                     Cugher Glass S

                                                                                     Via G. di Vittorio, 70
                                                                                     20026 Novate Milanese (MI) - Italy
                                                                                     Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66207762
                                                                                     Fax: +39 - 02 - 66202917
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