Page 83 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 83

Dryers are able to accurately dry ink thickness from 15
                                                                  to 100 microns, adapting the air recirculation


           tion fan, adding energy to   an important feature, be-  cesses, and viscosity is quite   together with the set-point
           the curing process. Cugher   cause the speed of the air   high, it is possible to have   in the dryer recipes. Moreo-
           IR dryers actually combine   needs to be adjusted ac-  an important amount of   ver, each single fan can be
           hot air and IR effect.    cording to the characteris-  air. On the contrary, if the   adjusted independently with
           As an option, heating ele-  tics of the ink.        thickness of the wet surface   regards to speed, creating a
           ments can be installed to                           is in the range of 60-100   speed table where the fans
           heat the air, enabling to   SETTING                 microns, such as in ink jet   are running low where the
           switch off the IR effect and   THE SPEED OF THE     printing, and the viscosity   paint is totally wet (first
           use the Cugher dryer as a   RECIRCULATION FANS      is quite low, it is necessary   module), and are running
           simple hot air unit.      If the thickness of the wet   to reduce the amount of air.   fast where the paint has al-
           All the recirculation fans   surface is in the range of   According to these require-  ready started drying and the
           of Cugher dryers are con-  20-30 microns, such as in   ments, the speed of the re-  wet film is already stable. Of
           trolled by inverter. This is   silk screen printing pro-  circulation fans can be set   course, the temperature can

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