Page 87 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 87

able to attend due to per-  tics a reality.         business that began its ac-  Paulo. The Latin American
           sonal reasons and the     The event began with words   tivity in 1985.       market is considered to be
           Deputy Mayor, José Vivó,   of welcome and gratitude   Tomás expressed his pride   one of the most strategic re-
           came in his absence.      to the attendees by the   in being in charge of a   garding the expansion plan,
           Vivó underlined the im-   Vice-President of Turomas.   leading Spanish business   which is why a third subsidi-
           portance of having a local   Álvaro Tomás emphasised   from Teruel which com-  ary will be opened in Bogotá
           business generating em-   that innovation is the cor-  petes with large German,   at the end of November.
           ployment and revitalising   nerstone of future growth   Austrian and Italian cor-  This new subsidiary will be
           the population in what    but, despite continuing   porations in the flat glass   presented at the Colombia
           is currently a depopulat-  to expand its activity and   machinery industry.  Glass 2019 Exhibition.
           ing area. He also publicly   strengthen its image as an   Currently, as well as its fac-
           mentioned the effort that   international business, they   tory in Spain, Turomas has   INNOVATIVE SPIRIT
           is being made by the Town   must not lose the essence   a delegation in Santiago in   Antonio Ortega structured
           Council to make fibre op-  and values of the family   Chile and another in Sao   his speech into two parts.

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