Page 89 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 89

ganized the R&D depart-
                                                                                         ment in a separate com-
                                                                                         pany: TuR&Development.
                                                                                         G-TI: This year saw the
                                                                                         inauguration of CIDET -
                                                                                         which you call the “corner-
                                                                                         stone” of the TUROMAS
                                                                                         expansion project. What
                                                                                         will be the outcome of this
                                                                                         centre as far as technology
                                                                                         is concerned?
                                                                                         Turomas: We say that
                                                                                         CIDET will develop today
                                                                                         the machinery of tomor-
                                                                                         row. Turomas has been
                                                                                         developing glass cutting
                                                                                         machines and smart stor-
                                                                                         age for more than 30 years.
                                                                                         Now, we are pretty sure
                                                                                         that we can apply all our
                                                                                         experience and knowledge
                                                                                         in designing and creating
                                                                                         not only new software solu-
                                                                                         tions but more efficient, re-
                                                                                         liable, and competitive ma-
                                                                                         chinery. Maybe not only for
                                                                                         cutting and storing systems.
                                                                                         Only time will show what we
                                                                                         are capable of achieving.

                                                                                         G-TI: How is the work to-
                                                                                         wards Industry 4.0 pro-
                                                                                         ceeding? What can be the
            Antonio Ortega, CEO of   SPEAKING TO               is concentrated in the    next steps to take?
            Turomas, explained in de-  TUROMAS                 production  department.   Turomas: We understand
            tail the Turomas expansion   Glass-Technology  Inter-  After-sales is another key   “4.0” as a real revolution
            project: “The most impor-  national  (G-TI):  This   department for Turomas,   for machinery and automa-
            tant resource a company   third     ‘International   so we have increased our   tion. In fact, we have been
            needs for any project is in   Networks!’ - always co-  investment to improve the   working in a new 4.0 soft-
            the mind. Why do people   inciding with an impor-  service we provide to our   ware for our entire prod-
            who have good ideas get   tant event in the history of    customers. The remaining   uct range to provide our
            paid so much? Because    Turomas - was another spe-  departments such as fi-  customers with strategic
            they cannot be mass-     cial part of the company   nancial, sales, purchasing,   and valuable data for deci-
            produced. No matter how   and its workers. How are   logistic... have less staff   sion making. Information
            much money a person has,   the workers distributed   than the previous ones, but   is, undoubtedly, a source
            that money will never be   among the different depart-  we talk about experienced   of power. For this reason,
            able to generate the great   ments of the company?  people with a high knowl-  we must analyze, filter and
            ideas that a mind can cre-  Turomas: On the one hand,   edge of the product. On   process all data to turned it
            ate in an empty room.”   most of our workforce     the other hand, we have or-  into a useful tool.

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