Page 90 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 90


            G-TI: What can you tell us
            about the new machinery
            that you have developed
            this year?
            Turomas: Over the last
            years, we have been really
            focused in the smart stor-
            age systems. We talk about
            a complete redesign of our
            range of loaders. In addi-
            tion, we have developed
            new solutions for all sort of
            glass processors in terms of
            storage and movement of
            glass. Moreover, we have
            applied very important in-
            novations to our cutting
            machines to adapt them to
            the new types of glass.

            G-TI: What will expansion
            involve and will there be
            any new branches open-
            ing in other countries or in
            Turomas: The expansion
            plan of Turomas involves
            the construction of more
            than 15 thousand square
            meters  for  production
            buildings to meet all our
            sales orders. We are not   services (our production   customers who are betting   esting solutions that I pre-
            only talking about growth   force will still be in Spain).  hard on our brand. We are   fer not to reveal yet, so we
            but also about organiza-                           really happy to have the   look forward to seeing you
            tion. Future facilities will   G-TI: What has changed   confidence of some of the   in October!
            be connected to avoid    since the previous Interna-  most reputable and influ-
            travel and achieve higher   tional Networks! event?  ential glass processors in   Author of the photographs:
            levels in terms of produc-  Turomas: Turomas has in-  the world.                   Desireé Lamas
            tion and efficiency. There   creased its presence in
            is going to be a clear evolu-  several markets since its   G-TI:  What will you be
            tion in all processes, which   last  International  Net-  bringing to this year’s    Turomas
            entails  a  considerable  works!. As a result of that   Vitrum event? What kind
            investment in advanced   internationalization,  we  of innovations can we ex-
            equipment and solutions   have managed to get more   pect to see?
            for our workforce. Other   projects in new countries.   Turomas: If anything char-
            branches of the company   However, the most inter-  acterizes Turomas, it is    Carretera Estación Km. 15, 8
            will be opened in strategic   esting aspect is that some   continuous innovation. At   44415 Rubielos De Mora -
            markets, but only regard-  of these projects are very   Vitrum, we will share with   Teruel - Spain
            ing sales and after-sales   ambitious plans of new   our customers new inter-   Tel.: +34 - 978 - 804158
                                                                                            Fax: +34 - 978 - 804380

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