Page 88 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 88


           In the first part, he pre-  Rubielos de Mora company   practical training that will   situation with the area is
           sented the CIDET as a     has 100 workers and an or-  complement their learning,   strengthening.
           support to the innovative   ganisation chart with new   easing their incorporation   Álvaro Tomás closed the
           spirit of the Teruel com-  departments as a result of   into the job market, and   opening ceremony with a
           pany. The Centre is set up   development and speciali-  they will provide updated   mention to Miguel Tomás.
           like a new company within   sation. The expansion plan   knowledge to the company.  “Miguel is an example of
           the Tur&Development, S.L   estimates the generation of   To finish, the General Man-  perseverance. Resolve and
           Group, which will continue   at least 50 more jobs.  ager did not want to leave   tenacity are key to pro-
           working on cutting-edge   Additionally,  internship  out Turomas’ commitment   gressing and carrying pro-
           solutions with technology   agreements with profes-  to Teruel. Miguel Tomás,   jects forward, despite the
           4.0, as well as in the de-  sional training centres and   founder of the company,   challenges. These qualities
           velopment of new product   universities will continue   backed Rubielos de Mora   have helped Turomas to
           ranges that complement    to be signed. Students will   from the beginning and,   have a notable presence in
           the Turomas development   benefit from an eminently   despite the obstacles, the   the five continents.”
           In the second part, Ortega
           talked about the increase in
           production capacity which
           the expansion project will
           bring with it. Based on an
           architectural render, it was
           possible to visualise the
           current layout of the ware-
           houses and how the space
           will be with the incorpo-
           ration of the new ones. In
           total, five warehouses of
           2,000 square metres each
           will be built.
           In addition to the more ef-
           ficient distribution of spac-
           es with new connections
           that will shorten distances,
           investment in advanced
           machinery and equipment
           and the creation of interac-
           tion spaces for employees,
           an energy efficiency and
           saving and environmental
           sustainability plan will be
           Another important point in
           this second part, was cre-
           ating employment.  In five
           years, from 2014 to this
           year, Turomas has doubled
           its workforce. Today, the
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