Page 33 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 33


             the people that work with it. The   keeping the right people. I think   a smart plant (or a smart facto-
             subject of motivation and leader-  the glass industry can only move   ry), but Heye has always offered
             ship culture is as important as   forward when it starts to use   numerous training programmes
             technology. It is an on-going    new innovative technology and    and technical assistance agree-
             process. We must be continu-     invest in training and motivating   ments for support to factories,
             ally looking for subjects that are   the people. Everybody now has a   so we think that training, motiva-
             important – and it also depends   smartphone at home but some-    tion and leadership concepts, as
             on the job description: if you are   times they don’t receive train-  well as motivation concepts, have
             a machine operator you need to   ing in their factories. At least in   almost the same importance as
             set up a different training pro-  Germany the culture is changing;   technology for those plants.
             gramme than if you are a process   the unemployment rate is quite   That brings us to the sec-
             expert, glass expert or product   low and companies compete for   ond part of the motto which is
             designer for glass. One of the   the best people.”                Motivate.”
             advantages that Heye has is that                                    “At the end of the day, the
             we have direct access to the glass   TOPICS                       company has to decide how much
             plant and can guarantee on-the-    “With reference to topics      money it can afford to invest and
             job training for our customers.  for the symposium, we found      where to invest it, and also about
               The symposium in Hamburg is    that there is an increasing trend   productivity, which is the third
             a part of this process, because we   towards internet integration (IoT   part of the motto: Operate, from
             bring together directors, owners   – Internet of Things or AI –   Operations. So we need to have
             or board members and try to give   Artificial Intelligence) or digi-  excellent high productivity. This
             them an impulse to think about   talization, which has come to the   is possible only if you have a
             all these ideas and perhaps to do   factories, where internet techno-  well trained and motivated work-
             something in their own plants. If   logy is used to enable machines   force which enjoys working in its
             we want to have highly efficient   and components to communicate   environment. So basically, it’s a
             factories we need to get the peo-  with each other – and with the   section of a trend in the market
             ple on board.”                   human operator, of course.”      – digitalization – but also our
                                                “We have developed a vision    own vision of the combination of
             CULTURE CHANGE                   called ‘Smart Plant’ where we    technology and effective leader-
               “We need a cultural change     want to have data integration and   ship and motivational aspects. In
             – to get away from the idea that   we want to have full communica-  the end, high productivity and
             training is an individual rather   tion between the machines and   efficiency are what matter.”
             than a company problem. We       the people using the machines,
             carried out a survey last year and   and so we have digitalization or   ORGANIZATION
             the feedback we’ve got from dif-  BSmart  (Be Smart) as the first    “All in all, it has taken about a
             ferent companies was that they   word of the motto. It’s also our   year to organize the symposium.
             are having problems finding and   vision for the next ten years for   First, we had to decide on a good

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