Page 43 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 43

The ‘step down’
             shown in many
             designs of beer
             bottles and its
             potential defect,
             the wire-edge

             cial ware) showing an increase in   DEVELOPMENT THANKS
             height of inner protrusion. This   TO BREAKTHROUGHS
             information is shared through line   This innovative inspection
             supervision solutions such as the   device has been developed thanks
             IQ Tiama product range, indicat-  to three major breakthroughs.
             ing overpress/wire-edge defect   First, the design of a new camera
             at the finish of the given cavity.   with twice as many pixels com-
             The WEM, originally designed     pared to the highest resolution
             for narrow neck containers, is   used so far for finish inspection.
             also available to inspect jars with   This high resolution camera is
             finish diameters up to 90 mil-    designed and produced by Tiama   many designs of beer bottles.
             limetres. Available at the end of   to maintain the lowest price pos-  The impact of this ability strong-
             this semester, Tiama foresees a   sible for customers and manage   ly reduces false rejects, which
             strong demand for the WEM and    its long term availability. Second,   immediately translates to pro-
             is prepared to respond to it.    and linked to the high resolution,   duction efficiency. This way, no
                                              is the ability to measure the glass   choice has to be made between
                                              protrusion in real-time and give   quality and productivity.
                                              an accurate μm value. This has     Altogether, Tiama has suc-
                                              been made possible thanks to     ceeded in delivering a new accu-
                                              a new generation of electronics   rate measurement tool at the
                                              providing the highest speed anal-  cold end. O
                                              ysis. Last but not least, the third
                                              tremendous input to this devel-
                                              opment is the use of new LED
                                              lighting delivering high power
                                              in a specific wavelength adapted
                                              to any glass colour used in the
                                                The WEM, with its meas-                  TIAMA
                                              urement, set thresholds and its
                                              capacity to inspect all colours of   Za Des Plattes - 1 Chemin Des Plattes
                                              glass, is capable of differentiat-       69390 Vourles - France
                                              ing a wire-edge and an over-            Tel.: +33 - 4 - 37201565
                                                                                      Fax: +33 - 4 - 78079450
                                              press from the ring mould seam         E-mail:
              WEM can be added to             or from the step down com-      
              the Tiama Multi4 Top and        monly present at the mouth of
              Bottom inspection machine
              or can be installed on Cold
              End inspection lines as a
              standalone system
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