Page 39 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 39

INDIAN DIASPORA AND              of China. India today is where   so automation is not yet a prior-
             RAPID PROGRESS                   China was 20 years ago; it has   ity. Investment is going to form-
               One of the advantages that     low labour costs and greater     ing machines. For  Chinese com-
             India has is that many of its    energy in getting things done.   panies competing with Europe,
             workers, although working in     China today has moved on to the   the priority is forming machines
             glassworks that are backward     next stage of development and is   and automated lines.
             technologically, have experience   trying to produce at European    It is no longer true that Indians
             of working outside India in much   quality level with labour costs   are more interested in second-
             more modern companies. For       which, though not yet as high as   hand machines than new ones.
             instance, many of the people that   Europe’s, are higher than India’s.   Although bargain used machin-
             I met in India have had expe-    India is now substituting China   ery will always be snapped up,
             rience in European companies,    while the Chinese are trying to   the emphasis is on quality prod-
             and so could transfer the culture   substitute European products.  ucts and quality machinery, so
             that they found there, and this                                   investment is in new machines.
             made them much more flexible      CHINA COMPETES                   The case of Borosil Hopewell
             than workers in other countries.   WITH EUROPE                    is significant; they changed
             This is an advantage for compa-    Today China is one of the      from Chinese to more expensive
             nies who want to invest in India   countries where we are working   European machines because that
             because they can find a pool of   best; we are working very well   is where the quality is. There is a
             workers who have been work-      with Chinese companies in devel-  considerable difference in price
             ing abroad with quality com-     oping automated lines which even   but there is also considerable
             panies and already have quality   Europeans plants do not have.   difference in the efficiency and
             culture. Workers returning from   For instance, we have developed   lifetime of the machinery. The
             the Diaspora will help India to   the first fully automated pack-  results speak for themselves in
             grow quickly. One of the com-    aging line for stemware with a   the case of La Opala.
             mon drawbacks in development     Chinese client. Today, Chinese
             is a lack of working culture where   companies are investing in qual-  SOME THOUGHTS
             sophisticated modern technology   ity and efficiency at European   ON THE LEAPING TIGER
             is unable to function because    level, and although they still have   A major problem of Chinese
             the workforce does not have the   a lot of labour at the cold end, in   machinery is their short lifetime
             work culture to match it. India   inspection and packaging, they   and inefficiency. Lifetimes as
             has a large reserve of workers   are cutting down on this by auto-  short as two years, together with
             around the world who can return   mating complete lines. In Europe,   a lot of downtime for mainte-
             and enable rapid development     discrete areas of the process have   nance, lack of spares and even
             once investments are ready.      been automated but not entire    the disappearance of the sup-
             Production at present is low     lines. For the moment, India has   plying company altogether, are
             compared to the potential market   much lower labour costs and is at   not unknown. This is true not
             of the population, but there is a   an earlier stage of development,   just in India but in many coun-
             capacity to develop very quickly
             given the right conditions, as
             the example of La Opala shows:
             starting from scratch only ten
             years ago, today it has achieved
             almost a monopoly on opal glass
             in India, is quoted on the Stock
             Exchange and is setting new
             trends in company organization.

             INDIA A NEW CHINA
               Apart from its domestic mar-
             ket, India has considerable export
             potential in its immediate neigh-
             bours Pakistan and Bangladesh,
             in South East Asia and in Africa
             and the Middle East. This is
             due in part to the development
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