Page 42 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 42

         developments at the cold end
                   EVOLUTION                  therefore refine pack-to-melt ratio   colour criterion had also to be
                   TOWARDS WIRE-EDGE          while keeping the highest level of   taken into account. Indeed, sev-
             RIDENTIFICATION AND              quality. The WEM principle ena-  eral parameters generally affect
             MEASUREMENT                      bles to obtain the evaluation and   the standard detection of the wire-
               A few months ago, Tiama was    anticipation of production drifts,   edge. The worst combination is
             asked by a number of customers   giving the opportunity to iden-  flint glass, narrow neck bottles
             to strengthen its capacity in the   tify the presence of an acceptable-  with a threaded finish, where so
             detection of wire-edge and over-  size artifact and, if need be, to   many reflections and light paths
             press defects. The challenge pro-  undertake the corrective actions   are present that they affect the
             posed was to secure the detection   to eradicate it completely from the   ability to correctly read the wire-
             and the characterization of this   production process.            edge defect presence. This is why
             kind of defects. The need was not                                 WEM was designed to be adapted
             only to detect a defect but also to   OPERATING PRINCIPLE         to any colour of glass ware.
             measure this defect and propose    The aim of this new system is    Associated with a mould num-
             action towards it.               to measure the height of any con-  ber reader, the Tiama MULTI4
               Knowing that wire-edge and     tinuous protrusion at the inner   with WEM inspection can then
             overpress defects are often critical   part of the finish. Combining sev-  immediately communicate the
             for the glass plant process, Tiama   eral views of the finish through a   presence of such a defect in a
             has innovated to respond to this   patented mirror adjustment, the   given cavity or even inform of a
             demand with a new patented func-  WEM gives the exact value of    tendency of good ware (commer-
             tion called WEM, standing for    the defect height for each con-
             ‘Wire-Edge Measurement’, to be   tainer displaying a defect. The
             installed on a MULTI4. This new   innovation lies into the ability to   The previous visualization of
             feature enables to optimize detec-  measure in μm the height of the   defects provided access to
             tion performance while keeping   protrusion and give for the wire-   defect presence only. With side-
                                                                                  wise visualization of defects,
             the highest possible productivity   edge and for the overpress – two   the inspection also enables to
             levels. It offers defect identification   different types of protrusion in   have defect height measure-
             based on height measurement. No   the neighborhood of the sealing    ment. Threshold is set in order
             compromise: glassmakers can pre-  surface – a value to compare to    to reject any inner protrusion
             cisely qualify what the acceptable   the acceptable threshold.       above limit. False rejection rate
             limit is for the defect height and   When developing WEM, glass      is kept very low thanks to the
                                                                                  accurate height measurement.
                                                                                  Global performance and pro-
                                                                                  ductivity is improved

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