Page 56 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 56

         Glass Service
                                                                                 configuration of control board
                                                * 0  $16T  QPXFS TVQQMZ
                    Glass Service’s custom-
             er Bormioli Luigi had to rebuild   t  4*-  GPS TBGFUZ JTTVFT         4*-   TBGFUZ  CPBSE   NBOBHJOH
             the control system board for a   t  TFWFO MPDBM UPVDI TDSFFO JOUFS-  the safety plant device (back
             forehearth and distributor for its   face;                          fire, flame injection, etc.).
             new furnace in Parma.            t  POF 4$"%" &UIFSOFU DPOOFD-      $POUSPM TFDUJPO " BOE # NBLF
               The main specifications of the    UJPO UP UIF MPDBM J'*9 4$"%"   up a complete redundancy con-
             board required were the follow-    software.                      trol system with redundancy of
             ing:                                                              QPXFS TVQQMZ  $16T  * 0 CPBSE
             t  $POUSPMMFE BSFBT              THE CONTROL SYSTEM                 $POUSPM TFDUJPO " BOE # CPUI
               - one distributor;               The control system is made     JODMVEF  UIF  GPMMPXJOH  )$
               - five forehearths;             up of four different logic control   controller configurations:
               -  34 controlled temperature   boards:                          t  UISFF * 0 SBDLT XJUI    TMPUT
                 zones;                          $POUSPM  TFDUJPO  "   NBOBHJOH   t  UISFF QPXFS TVQQMJFT
               -  five controlled cooling       the complete plant tempera-    t  POF $16
                 zones;                         ture control and function logic;  t      BOBMPHVF JOQVUT       N"
               -  four coupled fans (one         4XJUDIJOH  CPBSE   NBOBHJOH     thermocouple;
                 stand-by) controlled in        the switch from control board   t     BOBMPHVF PVUQVUT       N"
                 pressure loop by electronic    " BOE #                        t      EJHJUBM PVUQVUT
                                                                               t     EJHJUBM JOQVUT
                                                                                 This configuration is installed
                                                                               JO FBDI DPOUSPMMFS TFDUJPO " BOE
                                                                               B, so that the total value of con-
                                                                               USPMMFS  )$     JOTUBMMFE  JT  UXJDF
                                                                               the above reported list.

                                                                               THE SIL2 SAFETY BOARD
                                                                                 5IF 4*-  TBGFUZ CPBSE JODMVEFT
                                                                               UIF  GPMMPXJOH  )$     DPOUSPMMFS
                                                                               t  POF * 0 SBDL XJUI    TMPUT
                                                                               t  POF QPXFS TVQQMZ
                                                                               t  POF $16   4*-
                                                                               t     BOBMPHVF JOQVUT
                                                                               t     EJHJUBM PVUQVUT
                                                                               t     EJHJUBM JOQVUT
                                                                                 $POUSPM  TFDUJPO  "  BOE  #  BSF
                                                                               supplied with complete redun-
                                                                               dancy I/O included and the
                                                                               PQFSBUPS DBO TXJUDI GSPN " UP #
                                                                               according to plant conditions.
                                                                                 "MM QBSBNFUFS TFUUJOHT TVDI BT
                                                                               SP, loop configuration, alarm
                                                                               threshold, OP are aligned in the
                                                                               boot controller section.
                                                                               COMBUSTION SYSTEM
                                                                                 The local combustion sys-
                                                                               tem servomotors are Honeywell
                                                                               )FSDVMJOF         XJUI  UISFF TUFQ
                                                                               controllers and back-forward
                                                                               configuration by means of dou-
                                                                               CMF        0IN QPUFOUJPNFUFST
                                                                                 &BDI  QPUFOUJPNFUFS  JT  DPO-

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