Page 59 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 59

Work safety excellence at De Dietrich Process
                                                Systems - employees of De Dietrich Process
                                                Systems are happy about the AMS certification
                                                Photo: VBG

                                              advantage. Organised work and       of its units while maintaining
                                              health safety creates trust and     safety and respect for the envi-
                                              makes a company attractive to       ronment;
                                              job applicants.”                 t   5P  NBJOUBJO  B  QSFTFODF  PO
                                                                                  each continent for service,
                                              ABOUT THE COMPANY                   maintenance and repair while
                                                De Dietrich Process Systems       utilizing local production
               When developing                GmbH in Mainz is the manufac-       where available.
                                              turer of the QVF  glass equip-
                      a truly global          ment for the chemical industry   VBG
                                              using borosilicate glass 3.3 from   The VBG is a regulatory acci-
                      organization,           its own raw glass supply. From   dent insurance company and
                                              basic engineering, through pro-  insures over one million com-
               there are two main             duction, installation and finally   panies throughout Germany in
                                              to commissioning De Dietrich     more than 100 sectors, from
               objectives that the            Process Systems is a partner to   architecture firms to temporary
                                              the chemical and pharmaceutical   employment agencies. The mis-
                   company in this            industries. With its approximate-  sion of VBG is guided by two core
                                              ly 220 employees, the company    objectives: firstly, the prevention
              article focusses on:            provides solutions for thermal   of industrial accidents and occu-
                                              separation processes and sup-    pational illnesses and secondly, a
               the highest level of           plies equipment and systems      rapid and competent response to
                                              made of corrosion-resistant      damage claims, to optimally sup-
          quality, and presence               materials. The Mainz site coordi-  port the recovery of the insured
                                              nates worldwide the QVF  glass   person. Approximately 480,000
              on each continent.              equipment and process systems    accidents or cases of occupa-
                                              business of De Dietrich Process   tional illness are registered by
             There is, however, a             Systems.                         VBG each year. They support
                                                De Dietrich Process Systems    insured persons with the goal of
          very important aspect               designs, produces and markets    making it possible for them to
                                              solutions based on equipment     return to work and participate
               that must be taken             which uses glass-lined steel,    in community life. 2,400 VBG
                                              stainless steel, special alloys, and   employees, in eleven locations
              into consideration,             borosilicate glass technologies   in Germany, take care of their
                                              respectively for the chemical and   customers’ needs. VBG train-
                                              pharmaceutical industries. The   ing courses on Work Safety and
                which regards the             company’s business also cov-     Health Protection are also held in
                                              ers the engineering, planning,   six training centers. O
             health and safety of             installation and commissioning
                                              of chemical units in materials
              the workers and the             resistant to corrosion and pro-
                                              vides the corresponding service
                        workplace.            provisions.
                                                De Dietrich Process Systems
                                              has a strong global presence,
                                              with offices located in 15 coun-
             Blumbach. “The AMS certifica-     tries. Its diverse customer base       DE DIETRICH
             tion also lets our employees, cus-  consists of companies whose    PROCESS SYSTEMS
             tomers and visitors understand   demanding processes require
             the importance of occupational   products capable of high perfor-            GMBH
             safety.”                         mance, reliability and safety.             Hattenbergstr.36
               Georg Krämer, emphasises         De Dietrich Process Systems            55122 Mainz - Germany
             the other benefits of AMS certi-  is developing its global organiza-      Tel: +49 - 6131 - 9704 0
             fication: “Audited occupational   tion with two objectives in mind:
             safety, but above all its everyday   t  5P BDIJFWF BO JEFOUJDBM  TVQF-
             practise, is a real competitive    rior level of quality in each

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