Page 58 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3/2017
P. 58

         Health and safety
             DE DIETRICH

             PROCESS SYSTEMS

             AMS certification awarded to

             competence centre for glass

             equipment and process systems

                 he Occupational Safety
                 and Health Management
             TSystem of De Dietrich
             Process Systems GmbH was
             audited by the German Social
             Accident Insurance Institution
             VBG, and in February 2017
             was certified as compliant with
             ‘AMS- Arbeitsschutz mit System’
             for the first time. On 17 March
             2017, Georg Kämer, Prevention
             Manager at VBG Mainz, present-
             ed the certificate to Dr. Michael
             Blumbach, Director of Glass
             Products at De Dietrich Process
               The chemical plant equipment
             manufacturer adopted a quick
             method of hazard assessment
             in its factory. When necessary,
             employees verify with the aid of a
             check-list shortly before starting
             work, that the workplace meets
             all the occupational safety crite-
             ria. Cases of near accident are
             also analysed and discussed in an
             Occupational Safety Committee.
             The goal is to eliminate any
             potential danger points.
               “We want to continuously
             improve occupational safety in
             a structured and sustained man-
             ner, and reduce the number of                                      Production of the biggest glass
             work-related accidents and near                                 bottles in the world at De Dietrich
             accidents,” declared Dr. Michael                                        Process System in Mainz

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