Page 22 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
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                                             CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY

            In 2007 SORG opened      Germany. They now
            a small design office in   work independently
            China. Therefore, the aptly   to produce complete
            named SORG Engineering   designs and engineering
            and Design Office Anyang   for steelwork and plant   and district representatives   at the company’s 10th
            (normally shortened to   components using         for their assistance during   anniversary celebration
            SORG Anyang) celebrated   AutoCAD Mechanical 2D   the establishment of     Alexander Sorg went on
            its 10th anniversary in May   and Inventor 3D to make   the company 10 years   to emphasise the most
            this year.               the drawings.            previously and especially   important contribution
            What began as a small    The official function to   for their continued support   of the employees to
            office with just 6 staff has   celebrate the office’s 10th   up to the present time.  the company’s success
            become an important part   anniversary took place in   To mark the occasion   and thanked them for
            of the worldwide SORG    the Huan Shui Bay Hotel in   Alexander Sorg presented   their commitment.
            Group and now employs    Anyang on 23rd May 2017.  a Certificate and a      Two members of the
            14 specialists. A further   Guests of honour at the   specially produced glass   Anyang team, Gu Fan
            expansion of the capacity   celebration were members   sculpture to Harald   and Li Rui, have been
            is currently planned.    of the Anyang council and   Zenker, Managing      with the company since
            The development of the   the local Hightech district   Director of SORG    the beginning, and the
            Chinese operation is     who joined the staff of the   Anyang, and Achim   opportunity was also taken
            mirrored in the changes   SORG Anyang office and   Kreser, Engineering      to celebrate their personal
            in the work carried out   representatives from SORG   Manager in Anyang.   10th anniversaries.
            there over the past 10   Germany. After greeting   Alexander Sorg presented   Alexander Sorg and Harald
            years. Initially the office   the assembled guests in   a certificate and glass   Zenker offered their best
            carried out preparation   Chinese SORG Managing   sculpture to SORG        wishes and presented the
            work for the main        Director Alexander Sorg   Anyang managers Harald   two with commemorative
            drawing office in Lohr,   went on to thank the town   Zenker and Achim Kreser   presents.

                                                    STIROM    addition of technologically advanced equipment led to
                                                              energy savings, Stirom said.
              H1 REPORTS INCREASE                             In October 2016, Stirom’s Greek parent Yioula
                                                              entered into an agreement to sell the company to
                                IN NET PROFIT                 Portuguese group BA Vidro for an undisclosed sum.
                                                              Yioula sold all its glass container business, which also
            Romanian glassmaker Stirom has announced that its net   includes Drujba Glassworks in Bulgaria, but excludes
            profit increased 77% on the year in the first half of 2017   the glass tableware and Ukrainian glass container
            to RON 20.8 million (USD 5.3 million/EUR 4.5 million)   businesses.
            after cost cuts and increased economic efficiency.  Stirom was founded in 1968 in Romania’s capital
            Stirom’s first-half turnover decreased by an annual   Bucharest under the name of Glass Articles Factory
            7.5% to RON 128 million, Stirom said in a statement   Bucharest. In 1990, it became a joint stock company
            filed with the Bucharest Stock Exchange.           under the name of Stirom SA, and in 1995 became a
            The company attributed the decline to the fact that   majority private company. In early 2003, Stirom SA
            it has not sold tableware glass products since July   was taken over by Yioula Glassworks.
            2016. Another reason is that it has not concluded any   The Romanian company’s net profit fell 26% to RON
            contracts for glass packaging finished goods with a big   16.3 million last year, as turnover fell 7% to 251
            client during the January-May period.             million lei, according to data posted on the finance
            Stirom, however, added that it signed an important   ministry website.
            contract after this date.                         BA Vidro was founded in 1912 and employs 2,400 in
            Operating expenses decreased 14% on the year in   eight factories in Spain, Poland and Germany, where it
            the first half of 2017 to RON 105.5 million, as the   makes 6 billion glass containers per year.

                glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2017
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