Page 26 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 26

        Cold end

                     total support with advanced tools –

                        ensuring uninterrupted operations

                       When considering

                          the continuous,

                       24/7 operations of

                     a cold-end line, we

                   must always take into

                       consideration the

                     person in charge of

                     the line and with the

                 highest responsibility – the Line Chief. In this article, Zecchetti’s Head

                    of the Electronic Engineering Department, Angelo Olivieri, speaks

                       about how the company works side-by-side with these Chiefs to

                             assist them in carrying out their duties every step of the way.

                    anaging a cold end line is                   Angelo Olivieri  for the fine tuning of the dif-
                    the highest responsibility                                 ferent line zones. The Zecchetti
            Mof a Line Chief. His expe-                                        HMI “ZSA” shows the speed
            rience and knowledge of article                                    (metres/minute) and the current
            dynamics, different in the various                                 absorption (in milli-amperes) of
            points of the line, is paramount.                                  each motor. The MOBILE ZSA
               Zecchetti offers the most                                       makes this operation easier and
            advanced tools to support this                                     quicker since it allows to modify
            activity, so as to never leave                                     the parameters at whichever zone
            alone those who have the task of   the  Automation   Engineering   and visually observe, in real time,
            utilizing these lines, aware that   Department at Zecchetti since   the line behaviour.
            their uninterrupted operation –   1998, explains how some of the
            around the clock – is vital.      most frequent operations have been   Format changeover times
                                              simplified and accelerated thanks   Format changeover times have
            AN INSIGHT FROM ANGELO            to Zecchetti supervision software.  also been considerably reduced
            OLIVIERI, HEAD OF THE                                              thanks to the management of the
            AUTOMATION ENGINEERING            Motor speed – individually adjustable  so-called recipes which are real ID
            DEPARTMENT                          “Each motor speed is indi-     electronic cards containing all the
               Angelo Olivieri, Head of       vidually adjustable, thus allowing   parameters relevant to a given job.

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