Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
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                                                                                  S¸IS¸ECAM GLASS PACKAGING


            S¸is¸ecam Glass Packaging,   Ahmet Kırman pointed   invested its earnings in   4.0 technologies. S¸is¸ecam
            a member of the S¸is¸ecam   out that the group ranked   the country’s future, and   Glass Packaging now has
            Group and the world’s    third globally in glass   has now become a global   three production lines that
            fifth largest glass       home accessories, and fifth   player in its field. Our new   can produce anything from
            packaging producer with   globally in glass packaging   TUBUF PG UIF BSU GVSOBDF   jars to bottles in various
            a 2.3 million tons/year   and flat glass. Kırman   JO DJUZ PG .FSTJO  XIFSF   colours.”
            output and production    added: “We are also the   we have been active for   Emphasizing that
            facilities in four countries,   world leader in chromium   almost fifty years, is yet   S¸is¸ecam Glass Packaging
            has commissioned         chemicals and one of the   another example of our   was one of the world’s
            a third furnace at its   ten largest soda producers   contribution to the national   largest glass packaging
            .FSTJO QMBOU  5IF        of the world. Engaged in   economy. As always, our   producers, Kırman said:
            furnace, which has been   production activities in   group remains committed   “Exporting 125,000 tons
            NPEFSOJ[FE VTJOH TUBUF   13 countries around the   to sustainable growth”.  in 2016, S¸is¸ecam Glass
            PG UIF BSU UFDIOPMPHZ    world, our group reinforces   Kırman continued saying   Packaging has broken
            offers a 90,000 tons/    its capacity and technology   that S¸is¸ecam Glass   both the industry’s record
            year capacity.  S¸is¸ecam   with innovation, creativity,   Packaging’s strategy is   and its own record. The
            Glass Packaging operates   expertise and highly   to achieve the highest   .FSTJO QMBOU JT PG DSJUJDBM
            three plants in Bursa,   qualified human resources,   quality standards:    importance in terms of
            &TLJ FIJS BOE .FSTJO  BOE   and faces the future with   “S¸is¸ecam Glass Packaging   exports, thanks to its
            the modernization of the   confidence thanks to a   continuously modernizes   proximity to the port. This
            third furnace, which cost   product and service range   its existing facilities in   new furnace investment
            around TL 120 million,   that meets the continuously   line with advances in   has further added to this
            will push the company’s   evolving needs of the   technology. The newly    position.
            annual production capacity   market.”             commissioned furnace will   S¸is¸ecam Glass
            in Turkey above the      Stating that the glass   both contribute to Turkish   Packaging targets to
              NJMMJPO UPO NBSL       QBDLBHJOH QMBOU JO .FSTJO   economy and allow us to   continue investment
            Commenting on the        was established in 1969,   achieve the state of the   projects that will allow it
            furnace investment,      Kırman said: “Throughout   BSU BU PVS .FSTJO QMBOU    to sustainably increase
            S¸is¸ecam Group Deputy   JUT    ZFBS IJTUPSZ      This furnace has been    its export volume in the
            Chairman and CEO Prof.   our group has always     equipped with Industry   coming years.

                                     STEKLARNA HRASTNIK       6OJWFSTJUZ PG -KVCMKBOB  $BT  .4D   VQHSBEFE BOE
                                                              extended his knowledge at various programmes at
              PETER CAS WELCOMED                              *&%$ o #MFE 4DIPPM PG .BOBHFNFOU
                                                              He started his career at Gorenje, managing various
               AS GENERAL DIRECTOR                            departments. Along with occupying the position of
                                                              Chief Technology Officer at Gorenje Valjevo d.o.o.
             Peter Cas became General Director of Steklarna   JO 4FSCJB  IF DP DSFBUFE B QMBOU XJUI     FNQMPZFFT
             Hrastnik PO   "VHVTU       GPMMPXJOH B UISFF NPOUI   which was the result of a successfully completed
             stint as Deputy General Director. He decided to join   green field project. He continued his career at the
             Steklarna Hrastnik due to its vision and strategic   parent company Gorenje d.d. Slovenia. After leaving
             focus, which places employees in the centre. With   Gorenje, he joined the SIJ Group as CEO between
             the aim of consolidating the leading position of   2014 and 2016, managing the companies No?i Ravne,
             4UFLMBSOB )SBTUOJL JO UIF UPQ RVBMJUZ OJDIF TFHNFOU    Serpa, and Sistemska Tehnika, and in 2016 oversaw
             he will manage the company by pursuing operational   the merger of these companies into a joint entity SIJ
             FYDFMMFODF  nFYJCJMJUZ  BOE DVTUPNFS PSJFOUBUJPO   Ravne Systems. He transformed these three from
             and will continue fostering good relationships   WFSZ USBEJUJPOBM DPNQBOJFT JOUP B NPEFSO  TPDJBMMZ
             with employees and a responsible attitude to the   responsible firm with excellent bases for extensive
             environment.                                     organic and acquisition growth. Between September
             After graduating and obtaining his master’s degree        BOE .BSDI      IF XBT .BOBHJOH %JSFDUPS PG

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