Page 27 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 27

Recipes can be set up offline                                    remote control software, devel-
             and subsequently uploaded. They                                   oped by Zecchetti Automation
             can be transferred from the PC to   …the Line Chief or staff      Department, is activated. This is
             the PLC and vice versa, recalled   performing maintenance         a program that, through a VPN
             at any time, modified at any time,                                 tunnel, immediately connects our
             cancelled if no more used, etc.      operations are never         electronic engineers in Zecchetti
                                                       left alone …            with the PLC of the plant, wher-
             Zecchetti ZSA Supervision                                         ever it is.
             Software                                                            Our technicians can thus
               The Zecchetti ZSA Supervision                                   check the on-site situation, ana-
             Software is fully developed in-  gress and will be presented soon.  lyze it and work in real time to
             house which means it can be cus-   Most of the functions are      solve the problem or in any case
             tomized and constantly improved   being improved and new APPs     to put actions in place to solve it
             directly  by   the   Zecchetti   will be integrated to make this   as soon as possible.
             Automation Department.”          tool more and more helpful and     We asked Olivieri whether the
               “Another important and use-    user friendly.                   described software is the only
             ful feature of ZSA Supervision     However, despite such clever   assistance given to on-site opera-
             Software says Olivieri, “is the   means supporting the Line Chief,   tors.
             alarm management. In fact,       there might be situations where    “Actually no. Another impor-
             active alarms are signalled and   the on-line help, available on the   tant instrument that can be put
             the relevant area is visualized on   Supervision, is not sufficient to   in place is a Video Camera HMI
             the Touch Screen PC togeth-      solve a possible problem.        integrated system that allows the
             er with the on-line helps which    “True, there are situations that   After Sales Service at Zecchetti
             allow to quickly solve and reset   would normally require the inter-  to watch in real time the equip-
             the anomaly.                     vention of a specialized Zecchetti   ment operation.”
               History of the alarms is stored   technician because they do not
             thus giving the possibility of   strictly relate to the production   “In practice, the line chief or
             examining the statistics for any   but rather to the setting of the   staff performing maintenance
             period.”                         equipment.                       operations are never left alone,
                                                                               they can be assisted in carrying
             A NEW, ADVANCED                  Prompt support;                  out their duties at any time.
             RELEASE IS ON ITS WAY            remote control software            A perfect example of the current
               Olivieri has anticipated us      Even in those cases, Zecchetti   trend of automation which goes by
             that the development of a new,   offers its prompt support to     the name of Industry 4.0” O
             advanced release of the ZSA      minimize malfunctions and
             Supervision Software is in pro-  possible stops. In those cases,

                                                                                    ZECCHETTI Srl

                                                                                       Via Galileo Galilei, 1-1/A
                                                                                   42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) - Italy
                                                                                       Tel.: +39-0522-867411
                                                                                       Fax: +39-0522-866034
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