Page 48 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 48

INSIGHT                       RECENT CHANGES                   contractor. If he does a very spe-
        Insight  find. Because of this collabora-  of economic downturns, reces-  cific task, with unique skills, and
            necessary, he was often hard to
                                                In the last decade, as a result
                                                                               a different task for many clients,
            tion between user and supplier,
                                              sions, (and even depressions),
                                                                               then he may be a consultant. In
            not many could earn a living
            solely as a refractories’ consult-
                                              companies have had to dispense
                                                                               many cases he may be doing ele-
            ant. Generally, they were found
                                                                               ments of both.
                                              with the services of person-
                                              nel they would otherwise have
                                                                                 The consultant’s current role
            in the offices of one of the large
            multinational engineering/pro-
                                                                               described above have opened new
            ject management firms.
                                              the user has also forced similar
                                                                               opportunities for the consultant.
                                              action onto the supplier and the
               More often than not, the prob-  liked to keep. This downturn for   is very complex. The events
            lems requiring consultants were   installer.                       His role can now embrace the
            caused by the use and applica-      Severe rationalisation has been   entire scope of the refractories
            tion of new technologies, perhaps   forced upon the producers and   engineering/project spectrum.
            those with limited local examples,   installers by way of takeovers   Not only is there a wide lack
            imported from USA, Japan or       and mergers, to bring supply and   of technical understanding of
            Europe. The consultant would      demand for product and services   refractories, as untrained disci-
            be called in at the design stage to   back into balance. This ration-  pline engineers take over these
            overview the refractories’ com-   alisation has led to a huge loss   responsibilities, but there is a lack
            ponent, and to assist with mate-  in skills to the industry, often in   of understanding of other periph-
            rial specification, purchasing and   the critical middle management   eral issues like Health and Safety,
            installation. In the days before   areas, playing havoc with any   installation practices, storage
            ISO 9001, he would also preside   succession planning. The state   requirements, and even down to
            over the QA procedures.           of the industry has not improved   the everyday 'buzzspeak’ of the
               A    second    role    con-    sufficiently for these skills to have   refractories industry. All of these
            cerned ‘Original Equipment        been recovered, and the progno-  issues must be addressed.
            Manufacturers’ (OeM), who may     sis is that they will be lost totally.   Some of these areas are dis-
            have numerous mechanical, elec-   While it is still fairly safe to rely   cussed here.
            trical engineers etc., but would   on suppliers for (free?) advice, as
            not keep a specialist, such as    the rationalisation of the industry   PROJECTS/TURNAROUNDS
            a refractories engineer on their   continues, the number of special-  t  2VBOUJUBUJWF FWBMVBUJPO PG QSF-
            books. They would bring him in    ists employed by these companies   vious lining performance(s)
            at a certain stage of each project,   has deceased significantly, and   t  "TTJTUBODF  JO  UIF  QSFQBSBUJPO
            to make sure that the refracto-   the view offered by individual     of the Request For Quotation.
            ries’ requirement and the basic   suppliers has become increas-    t  $IPJDF PG TVQQMJFST GPS UFOEFS
            mechanical design were not in     ingly narrower.                  t  5FDIOJDBM  &WBMVBUJPO  PG  UFO-
            conflict, or more correctly, not                                      ders
            fatally in conflict.               THE PRESENT                      t  %FUBJMFE  UFDIOJDBM  EJTDVTTJPO
               The last traditional role of the   Many of the experienced per-   with suppliers/contractors
            consultant was as expert witness   sonnel who have been on the     t  4JUF  NBOBHFNFOU  PG  TVQQMJ-
            in dispute settlements. For this,   receiving end of 're-engineering'   ers/contractors, QA of perfor-
            a totally independent person was   have made themselves available for   mance.
            generally sought, and this was    consulting, to try and fill this void.   t  .POJUPSJOH  PG  DBNQBJHO  QFS-
            often the sphere of the retir-    They are now used more as con-     formance.
            ee, with some reputation in the   tractors, doing their old job under   t  (FOFSBUJPO  PG  SFGSBDUPSJFT
            industry, who brought his years   different conditions of employ-    based standard procedures for
            of experience to the issue.       ment, but some have become true    QA manual.
                                              consultants, either for specific    In effect, a good consultant
                                                      industries, or in a more   would be a part time member of
                                                      general role. The line   the maintenance/asset manage-
                                                      between a consultant     ment team, called upon at the
                                                      and contractor is worth   appropriate times to add his/her
                                                      clarifying. If an engineer   skills to the project.
                                                      does the same job, on an
                                                      hourly rate, as he would   EXPERT WITNESS
                                                      as an employee, then he    This is a traditional role of
                                                      should be classed as a   consultants. Unfortunately, it

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