Page 47 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 47


            The role of a consultant in today’s

            REFRACTORIES INDUSTRY                                                                                Insight

                                                     This article gives us an insider’s opinion

                                                     and information on today’s refractories

                                                    industry from a consultant’s point of view. We

                                                   are updated on how this role has changed

                                                  with the market, and which new roles and

                                             responsibilities he is now requested to cover.

                                              these gaps, not only in provid-  skills necessary for the day to day
                                              ing his expertise on a project   running of their processes. In
            Michael Walton
                                              basis, but also, to be prepared   addition to this, most refractories
            and Wayne Wright
            REFMET, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA      to pass on some of his expertise   suppliers had a significant depth
                                              into the user's organisation, by   of similar skills to supplement
                                              the provision of tailored train-  these, making staff available to
                                              ing courses, and mentoring of    their customer base.
               n recent years the refractories   younger engineers.              This was the situation into the
               industry has undergone signi-                                   eighties, and even into the early
            Ificant change. The role of the    INTRODUCTION                     noughties, with larger compa-
            consultant has also changed in      The authors’ comments are      nies. However the situation has
            step with market requirements.    based on the Australian situa-   changed quite significantly in the
            Although the consultant still     tion, but probably have much     small to medium sized company.
            provides the same expert servic-  wider applicability. Everyone    With 're-engineering' forced upon
            es as before, for example: foren-  thinks they know what consult-  many by the downturns of the
            sic analysis of failures, help with   ants do. There is an image of a   past decades, many have allowed
            selection of materials, advice    very learned, mature gentleman,   these skills to lapse, as being
            on installation, he has found     to whom others go when help is   none core, (unlike accountants
            some new roles. Amongst these     needed, a bit like an industrial   etc.). The skills void is only now
            new roles is that of trainer and   doctor or specialist. Not that long   being fully appreciated. This void
            adviser on OH&S. Many of the      ago, this was true in the refracto-  does not only encompass nor-
            changes in the industry, caused   ries industry as well. Many were   mal technical issues, but has also
            by the repeated 're-engineering'   experienced practitioners who   touched on training and OH&S.
            of companies, have resulted in a   put themselves out for hire, often
            severe lack of refractories expe-  after retirement, usually for a   THE TRADITIONAL ROLE
            rience/expertise within individu-  project or a specific assignment   As suggested above, consult-
            al organisations, both user and   for EPCM contractors.            ants were only called on when
            even supplier.                      Historically, there have been   all else failed. With the users’
               This is evident in both the    very few fully independent con-  in-house skills, married to the
            trade and professional areas.     sultants. This was the case      suppliers knowledge of materi-
            More reliance is now placed on    because most large refractories'   als, most problems were soluble
            outside resources. The consult-   consuming companies had their    without recourse to the expense
            ant is now often required to fill   own employees with most of the   of the consultant. When one was

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