Page 49 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
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seems to be one area of business   TRAINING
             growth, related almost entirely    For many practitioners, the
             to the loss of the skills base else-  most urgent issue is the loss of
             where, and the reliance on sup-  the skill base. There is no course
             plier and contractor information   in Australia, for example, where   as the Institute of Refractories
             and services. Most would, per-   refractories engineering is taught   Engineers, which has offered
             haps, agree that money is more   comprehensively. The number of   technical and QA assistance to
             effective when spent on sound    people entering the industry is so   the training boards.
             technical advice, rather than on   low, that no institution can jus-
             the legal profession.            tify a dedicated course, at either   THE FUTURE
               Appropriate use of the con-    trade or professional level.       For the future, we see the
             sultant can avoid major adverse    Many ad-hoc 1- or 2-day        main role of the consultant mov-
             incidents often leading to time   courses are offered, and these   ing away from the traditional
             consuming litigation, invariably   are normally good value, but   areas, although his skills will still
             avoidable by timely action during   a complete program of train-  be needed here. There is a wider
             the project planning and pro-    ing and progression, which is    role for him to play to help
             curement stages.                 transferrable between companies   maintain the industry’s necessary
                                              and/or countries, is rare. Even   skills base, by sharing his experi-
             HEALTH AND                       an interstate transfer can cause   ence with others through general
             SAFETY ISSUES                    severe problems for tradesmen.   and specific training courses, and
               OH&S is of particular impor-   This is not a problem confined to   mentoring of young engineers.
             tance. Refractories do not pose   Australia, but here the problem   On the trade side, he can help
             a general threat, where normal   seems to have been missed or     coordinate the required train-
             precautions are taken, but there   ignored, to the point where it will   ing courses with the registered
             are exceptions. Years ago, as    soon reach crisis levels.        authorities and training boards,
             an example, asbestos millboards    On a professional level, there   while on a more academic level,
             were widely used. Their use was   is some attempt to teach the    he must lay the foundations of
             (and still is) considered a seri-  rudiments at degree level, but   course modules available to engi-
             ous problem. Then along came     this is often lost, or ignored, as   neering students, either on cam-
             ceramic fibers as the answer to   an elective, in a general ceram-  pus or via correspondence.
             all these problems. But no! They   ics/materials engineering course.
             are also problematic, especially   The trade situation is just as   CONCLUSIONS
             on removal, as they cause skin   bad. The only formal training      The role of the consultant is
             irritation, and crystalline silica   is a small part of the bricklay-  changing. While the traditional
             can be formed in service.        ers’ apprenticeship. Most refrac-  tasks will still be required of
               The same can be said for       tory tradesmen are initially taken   him, he must turn his attention
             Chromic    oxide   containing    from the role of domestic brick-  to areas from whence skills have
             bricks. These are not a prob-    layers, and have no useful train-  been lost by industry, namely
             lem on installation, but in many   ing until they are employed by   OH&S and training. O
             applications hexavalent Chrome   a refractory installer, or a user
             compounds are formed in ser-     company. Here they invariably
             vice. The problem is then one of   pick up the bad habits of their
             satisfactory disposal. These toxic   supervisors. In terms of training
             compounds do not form in every   in the installation of gunning and
             application, but many users and   ramming materials, again this
             suppliers have decided not to    tends to occur 'on the job'.
             risk association with these mate-  There   have   been    some        REFRACTORY &
             rials on moral or legal/liability   attempts to rectify these issues   METALLURGICAL
             grounds.                         in a formal way by the vari-
               While suppliers and profes-    ous training boards, but refrac-         SERVICES
             sional installers are generally   tory skills traverse the industry    Office: 42 Hotham St, E. St Kilda,
             aware of these issues, the law   based format of these bodies,            Victoria 3183 - Australia
             says it is the user’s responsibil-  and only now are they attempting   Mobiles: +61-4-0856 5086, 4-0919 4319
                                                                                       Fax: +61-3-9527 5118
             ity, and here he may need expert   to coordinate their efforts. This   E-mail:
             advice which is no longer avail-  has been prompted by the action
             able in-house.                   relevant industry bodies, such

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