Page 51 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 51

THE GLASS PACKAGING                                      2016 is due to the generation of
                   MARKET FOR WWWWFOOD                                         accumulated free cash flow of
                  AND BEVERAGES PRODUCTS                                       EUR 102.6 million.
                 European market distribution,
                           by main regions                                       Net profit for 2016 amounted
                                                                               to EUR 67.7 million, after rec-
                                                                               ognising an annual finance cost
                                                                               equivalent to 1.1 per cent of sales
                                                                               and income tax of 19.7 per cent.
                                                                                        Earnings per share in
                                                                                     2016 amounted to EUR
                                                                                     2.73/share, a rise of 11.0
                                                                                    per cent on the prior year.

                                                                                        First-quarter 2017
                                                                                           Sales during the first
                                                                                      three months amounted
                                                                                       to EUR 182.9 million,
                                                                                          showing an organic
                                                                                          growth of 4.5 per
                                                                                          cent and a reported
                                                                                         change of +0.1 per
                                                                                         cent including forex.
                                                                                          Operating    profit,
                                                                                     EBITDA, was EUR 41.5
                                                                               million representing an operating
                                                                               margin of 22.7%.
                                                                                 Net debt at 31 March 2017
             THE MARKET                       entiation, design and attractive-  stood at EUR 326.8 showing a
               Consumer packaging is an       ness to their product. These are   reduction of 19% over the last
             essential part of modern life-   characteristics that differentiate   12 months.
             styles. It protects, preserves and   glass and elevate it as the pre-  Net sales registered by Vidrala
             enables efficient distribution of   ferred packaging material.     during the first three months of
             products that require them to                                     2017 amounted to EUR 182.9
             be consumed in optimal condi-    FINANCIAL RESULTS                million, representing an increase
             tions. It also helps brand owners   2016                          of 0.1 per cent over the previous
             to inform end users, identifying   Vidrala’s sales in 2016        year. On a constant currency
             and promoting their goods, play-  amounted to EUR 773.1 million,   basis, organic sales growth was
             ing a basic marketing tool and   a drop of 3.7 per cent compared   4.5 per cent.
             an iconic representation of the   to the prior year. At a constant   Operating profit –EBITDA-
             product inside. Modern day liv-  exchange rate, sales witnessed   generated over the first three
             ing, and the vast availability of   organic growth of 1.6 per cent.   months reached EUR 41.5 mil-
             consumer products we take for      Gross    operating    profit,  lion. It represents an increase
             granted, is predicted, in part, on   EBITDA, for the year amounted   of 8.4 per cent over the figure
             the existence of an efficient pack-  to EUR 170.7 million. This rep-  reported last year reflecting an
             aging supply chain.              resents a reported increase of   organic growth, on a constant
               In this context of progress,   5.9 per cent on the prior year in   currency basis, of 12.4 per cent.
             glass as a packaging material    organic terms, and 11.2 per cent   Over sales, EBITDA reached a
             plays a prevailing role. Consumers   at a constant exchange rate.   margin of 22.7 per cent.
             increasingly demand healthy and    At balance sheet level, debt     Net profit obtained during the
             sustainable packaging solutions   at 31 December 2016 stood at    first three months amounted to
             that protect and preserve fla-    EUR 322.3 million, having been   EUR 17.3 million. As a result
             vour and properties of the prod-  reduced by 20.3 per cent during   earnings per share during the
             uct within, thereby improving    the year. This represents a lever-  period reached EUR 0.70. This
             the consumption experience.      age ratio equivalent to 1.9 times   represents an increase of 24.9
             Likewise, brand owners seek to   EBITDA for the period.           per cent over the previous period.
             provide quality assurance, differ-  The decline in debt during      Net debt at 31 March 2017

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