Page 52 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5/2017
P. 52

        Company update
            stood at EUR 326.8. Leverage                                       a major project to install special
            ratio stood at 1.9 times 12                                        atmospheric emissions purifica-
            months EBITDA.                                                     tion systems, called electrostatic
                                                                               precipitators or electrofilters, in
            Outlook                                                            all production centres. These
               Demand for food and bever-                                      installations, which have cost the
            ages glass containers still show a                                 Group more than EUR 20 mil-
            gradual progress throughout the                                    lion over the last eight years,
            main markets of Vidrala. This                                      are aimed exclusively at reducing
            trend is consistent with the pro-                                  emissions of particulate pollut-
            gressive development of prod-                                      ants, and are recognised under
            ucts, brands and consumption                                       European legislation as the best
            patterns that choose glass as the                                  currently available technology in
            preferred material.               reducing consumption, cutting    this regard. Electrofilters work
               Under this context, Vidrala’s   costs and minimising the impact   by attracting and retaining parti-
            financial results throughout the   on the environment. Additionally,   cles generated during the melting
            current year should continue to   operating priorities are focused   process through electrical fields,
            be supported by the solid busi-   on intensifying the growing use   and reduce typical melting fur-
            ness profile.                      of recycled products as the main   nace emissions by more than 90
               In any case, management pri-   raw material for manufactur-     per cent.
            orities will remain firmly focused   ing glass, the effect of which
            on optimizing customer service,   is twofold as it not only avoids   OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
            ensuring cost competitiveness     the consumption of natural raw   AND SAFETY
            and strengthening the solvency    materials, but also contributes to   Vidrala’s daily activity is car-
            of the capital structure as a foun-  reducing fossil fuel consumption   ried out by some 3,200 employ-
            dation for sustainable long-term   and the resulting pollution.    ees, the majority of whom work
            value creation.                     One of the Group’s strategic   in an industrial or manufacturing
                                              guidelines is the implementation   environment.
            THE COMPANY                       of environmental management        Consequently, the Vidrala
            AND THE ENVIRONMENT               systems. In line with this commit-  Group remains committed to
               The Vidrala Group declares     ment, all the Group’s production   establishing the soundest occupa-
            itself firmly committed to pro-    facilities have ISO 14001:2004   tional health and safety measures.
            tecting the environment. With     certification, demonstrating that   This commitment is endorsed by
            this objective in mind, Vidrala   Vidrala operates under a global,   the gradual implementation of
            implements specific action plans   externally verified and recognised   occupational health and safety
            in relation to emissions in the   environmental management sys-    management systems based on
            atmosphere, dumping, waste, the   tem. Furthermore, in keeping
            consumption of raw materials,     with its undertaking to continu-
            energy, water and noise.          ous improvement, the implemen-
               Glass manufacturing is an      tation and certification of new
            inherently energy-intensive pro-  environmental standards has
            cess as melting furnaces are in   begun, such as ISO 14064:2012,
            operation 24 hours a day, 365     related to the voluntary declara-
            days a year. Given the indus-     tion of CO2 emissions, or the
            trial nature of the process, one   ISO 50001:2011 energy man-
            of management’s objectives is     agement system standard, both
            to reduce the associated envi-    of which, CO2 emissions and
            ronmental impact. In order to     energy, are of clear environmen-
            achieve this, specific investments   tal significance in our industrial
            are made to upgrade factory       process.
            facilities and adapt them to the    In addition, Vidrala has a spe-
            most efficient technological sys-  cific commitment to invest in
            tems for reducing environmen-     minimising the potential pollut-
            tal impacts. The efforts geared   ing effect of its facilities. Of par-
            towards energy efficiency have     ticular relevance during 2016 in
            a global effect on the business,   this regard was the conclusion of

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