Page 22 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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                    www .g

                   teSting laBoratory

                   in delft, netherlandS

                   Agr International’s American Glass Research division
                   has opened a European testing laboratory in Delft, the
                   Netherlands to serve glass manufacturing and beverage
                   filling industries.
                   Featuring modern analysis and testing equipment, the new
                   lab can be used to carry out a range of testing services,
                   including performance testing of glass packaging.
                   The lab will also be used for fracture diagnosis, proof-
                   of-design testing, dimensional evaluation and analysis of
                   label, decoration and closure issues.
                   Agr testing laboratory is also suitable for evaluation of
                   coating performance, audit of glass plant operations,
                   filling line audits, glass technical consultancy and training
                   and seminars.
                   In addition, the lab provides resources from AGR North
                   American offices for material analysis, glass quality and
                   complete container design and development.

                                                                                                 VETRopACK gRoup
                                           Board of directorS appointS two

                                            new BuSineSS diviSion managerS

                   The Board of Directors of Vetropack Holding Ltd.   commencing his well-earned retirement after the handover
                   has appointed two new business division managers: with   period.
                   effect from 1 January 2018, Boris Sluka (1965) will take   Johann Eggerth, the newly appointed General Manager
                   over as General Manager of the Business Division Czech   of the Business Division Switzerland/Austria, graduated
                   Republic/Slovakia, which comprises the two companies   from the Montanuniversität Leoben (in Metallurgy/
                   Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s. and Vetropack Nemšovà   Materials Engineering) and likewise has very broad
                   s.r.o. With effect from 1 March 2018, Johann Eggerth   international professional experience. For example, he
                   (1967) will take over as General Manager of the Business   worked as a project leader and product manager at
                   Division Switzerland/Austria, which comprises the   Voest-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau and on international
                   Swiss company Vetropack Ltd. and Vetropack Austria   consultancy projects for McKinsey & Company before
                   GmbH. He has also been appointed a member of Group   setting up and running the engineering and consultancy
                   Management.                                       company Festool Engineering for the Festool Group.
                   Boris Sluka graduated from the Technical University in   Since 2012, he has been CEO at the Tirolean family-
                   Bratislava, Slovakia, and continued his education on a   owned paint company Adler. His main task there
                   part-time basis while working in, among other places,   was to develop and implement a viable strategy for
                   France, Russia and Austria. In recent years he has worked   internationalisation and growth, a task which has now
                   mainly in the automotive industry. As a senior manager   been completed. Johann Eggerth will take over as General
                   at various well-known automotive suppliers, including   Manager of the Business Division Switzerland/Austria
                   Matador a.s. and Plastic Omnium Auto Exteriors    from Johann Reiter who – as already announced in
                   Ltd., and also at companies making machine tools, he   February 2017 – will assume full responsibility for the
                   acquired not only international industry experience but   operational management of Vetropack Group with effect
                   also considerable expertise in focused management in a   from 1 January 2018. Until his successor arrives on 1
                   dynamic environment.                              March 2018, Johann Reiter will continue as General
                   The current General Manager of the Vetropack Business   Manager of the Business Division Switzerland/Austria
                   Division Czech Republic/Slovakia, Gregor Gábel, will be   alongside his work as Group CEO.

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