Page 52 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 52

         Company growth and development

             plants in 2006 and 2013, respec-  ity abroad to 1.3 million tons.  friendly; its aim is to continu-
             tively, cementing the leadership   The SĎisĎecam  Glass Packaging   ally develop and improve all its
             of the Group in the industry even   Group currently has a total pro-  products, from newly designed
             more.                            duction capacity of 2.3 million   products with new functions to
               SĎisĎecam  Glass Packaging     tons/year, which makes it the    standard products.
             Group aims to become an inter-   biggest glass packaging producer
             national glass packaging supplier   in Turkey, and the fifth biggest in   ONGOING PROJECTS
             that is a regional leader thanks to   Europe and the world. The busi-  Lighter products
             investments and cooperation ini-  ness continues its production in a   One of the focus points for the
             tiatives in surrounding countries,   total of ten plants, three of which   SĎisĎecam Glass Packaging Group
             and dedicates half of its turnover   are in Turkey, five in Russia, one   is to make glass packaging prod-
             to foreign operations. As such, its   in Ukraine and one in Georgia.  ucts lighter while increasing their
             first investment outside Turkey                                    strength, so that the inputs and
             was the acquisition of the Mina   INNOVATION                      emissions of the production pro-
             Plant in Georgia in 1997. This     SĎisĎecam and the SĎisĎecam Glass   cess will decrease. One of the
             investment was followed by the   Packaging Group are among the    applications for making prod-
             establishment of Ruscam Glass    leaders of research and devel-   ucts lighter is the New Forming
             Packaging company which was      opment in Turkey. They con-      System (NFS) technology, which
             founded to follow the oppor-     tinuously invest significantly in   preserves durability while having
             tunities offered by the dynamic   technology and innovation in    a positive effect on production
             structure of the Russian market   line with their aim of extending   costs by saving on raw materi-
             and to carry out the operations in   their high-quality product range,   als and energy. Thanks to tech-
             Russia in 2002. Ruscam started   decreasing energy consumption,   nologies that make it possible to
             to operate the Gorokhovets Plant   and increasing energy efficiency   make glass packaging products
             as of 2002, the Pokrovsky Plant   and the recycling of waste mate-  25 to 28 per cent lighter without
             as of 2004, the Ufa Plant as of   rials.                          diminishing their shock absorp-
             2005, the Kirishi Plant as of      The SĎisĎecam  Glass Packaging   tion values, it is now possible to
             2008, and the Kuban Plant as of   Group focuses on making all of   have “ultralight” products.
             2009 SĎisĎecam  Glass Packaging   its processes and work applica-
             has most recently acquired an    tions such as forming, temper-   Polymeric coating: new properties
             existing glass packaging plant in   ing, quality control, and pack-  for glass packaging products
             Merefa, Ukraine in 2011, thus    aging processes more efficient,     Supported by TÜB TAK, this
             increasing its production capac-  high quality, and environment-  project aims to create new glass

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