Page 53 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 53

packaging products through the   green, grey, and brown colour    ed samples are also available on
             use of polymeric coating, and to   tones can be produced by fore-  request to decorate bottles. Non-
             increase durability and improve   hearth colouring. For example   round bottles and jars with cor-
             surface properties of products.   Georgia green is another com-   ners, difficult shapes such rec-
                                              mon colour preferred by the mar-  tangular can also be produced.
             Antibacterial glass packaging    ket.                             Sharp shoulders can be designed
             products                                                          according to customers’ requests.
               Glass is by nature a mate-     Decoration Painting Line         Thick bottoms, different finishes
             rial that does not interact with   Bottles can be painted with    and high push-up alternatives are
             its contents and is impermeable   different colours; organic paint   available.
             with regards to oxygen. This pre-  spray system gives mat, satin,   Logos can be positioned on
             vents the decomposition of the   gloss surfaces.                  the shoulder, the body or bot-
             contents inside the glass packag-  Thermochromic paints are       tom. Embossing and engraving
             ing and helps maintain its origi-  used to give different colours to   alternatives can be applied.
             nal freshness. One of the pro-   the glass, depending on tempera-   Basic bottles can be changed
             jects aimed at creating new and   ture. For example a bottle can be   from blow blow to narrow neck
             functional properties the of the   blue in the refrigerator at +4°C,   press blow technology and this
             SĎisĎecam Glass Packaging Group   but flint at room temperature at   light-weighting is important for
             is their antibacterial quality. This   +20°C.                     ecological footprint. Energy and
             aims at extending the shelf life of   Phosphorus paints can be used   transportation expenses can be
             products in glass packaging.     to give effects in dark areas.   reduced.
                                                Three different colours can
             SPECIAL AND RARE                 be worked, the main colours are   Flexible packaging, standard
             COLOURS                          flint , amber, emerald green and   applications
               Different rare colours are pro-  olive green. These colours can be   Different alternatives can be
             duced with the help of special   worked at the different locations   applied as packaging standard
             colouring agents, usually applied   and necessary colour changes   according to customers’ needs or
             to blue. The most common col-    can be realized according to mar-  requests:
             ours are cobalt blue, Maryland   ket demand.                      t Standard Euro or USA pallet;
             blue, turquoise light blue and sky                                t Carton or plastic layer/tray;
             blue. Dark or light alternatives   3D bottle design and exclusive   t Horizontal or vertical strap;
             are available.                   products                         t Different number of rows;
               On the other hand, different     3D technology and 3D print-    t Different polyethylene thick-

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