Page 51 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
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            growth, development,

             innovation and sustainability                                                                       Company growth and development

                                                              With over 80 years of history,

                                                              SĎisĎecam Glass Packaging

                  roducing specially designed glass packaging
                  with a full range of volumes and colours for   Group is continuing to
             Pthe food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and
             cosmetics sectors, SĎisĎecam Glass Packaging Group   develop, expand and
             has a history that dates back to 1935, when the first   innovate. This article takes a
             plant was founded in PasĎabahçe-Beykoz. Demand
             rapidly increased after that date, and production   look at the company today,
             had to be transferred to the Topkapı Bottle Plant in
             1969; in 1976, the comany Anadolu Cam Sanayii      with its important ongoing
             A.  company in Mersin was acquired. NNPB,
             which is an important milestone in glass packaging   investments and special
             technology, was used for the first time at this plant
             in 1988.  All companies and plants operating as    projects, and sustainability and
             part of the glass packaging group were incorpo-
             rated under Anadolu Cam Sanayii A  in 2000. The     social responsibility in mind.
             Group’s domestic production plants further grew
             with the addition of Bursa YenisĎehir and EskisĎehir

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