Page 35 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 35

of the 20 sections tandem machine   available for operators to focus   close, the whole unit stops mov-
             reaches 72 m/min.                on production optimization.      ing, including the robot arm. The
               The advanced handling equip-                                    robot can be combined with the
             ment from Heye International     OPERATING PRINCIPLE              Heye blank side protection grid.
             combines precision with latest     The robot runs on a rail in the   This results in a maximum of
             closed-loop functions for dead   overhead beam. This means that   work safety combined with high
             plate cooling control, ware spac-  the floor is free from obstructions   productivity and flexibility.
             ing and a unique automatic       and mould changes can be per-
             ware transfer synchronization. It   formed as before. All new Heye   THE COMPANY
             becomes the ultimate solution    IS machines are prepared for the    Based    at   Obernkirchen,
             for high speed in container glass   installation of the robot. The robot   Germany, Heye International
             production.                      sprays into the opened moulds on   GmbH is one of the international
                                              the blank side. ‘Swabbing on the   glass container industry’s fore-
             ADDITIONAL INNOVATIONS           fly’ is the key advantage, which   most suppliers of production tech-
               In addition to closed loop solu-  means that a production stop   nology, high performance equip-
             tions for the blow side, Heye has   is unnecessary. Short spraying   ment and production knowhow.
             launched a couple of new prod-   cycles with a small amount of    Its mechanical engineering has set
             ucts for the blank side. Closed   lubricant avoid bottles having to   industry standards for more than
             loops for cooling and press dura-  CF  SFKFDUFE  BGUFS  TXBCCJOH   "   five decades. Extensive indus-
             tion/glass distribution are avail-  special program allows spray-  try expertise, combined with the
             able. The swabbing robot elimi-  ing of the neck ring, within the   positive attitude and enthusiasm
             nates one of the most important   same time an operator swabs the   of Heye International employ-
             manual working steps, at the     blow moulds by hand. Heye uses   ees is mirrored by the company
             same time being the basis for    a compact six axes robot. The    motto ‘We are Glass People’. Its
             precise, infrared-based tempera-  spraying head employed depends   three sub-brands HiPERFORM,
             ture measurement on the blank    on the size and type of containers   HiSHIELD and HiTRUST form
             side. The Heye robot is able to   produced.                       the Heye Smart Plant portfolio,
             swab on-the-fly even at high cav-                                  addressing the glass industry’s hot
             ity rates.                       Set-up                           end, cold end and service require-
                                                Another unique advantage is    ments respectively. O
             SWABBING ROBOT                   the robot set-up procedure. This
               The Swabbing Robot is the      can be performed by a zero-sta-
             latest in a series of equip-     tion in front of the IS machine.
             ment developments from Heye      8IJMF  POF  KPC  JT  SVOOJOH   UIF
             International, aimed at optimis-  settings for the next article can
             ing the glass container produc-  BMSFBEZ  CF  BEKVTUFE   5IF  VTFS
             tion process. In combination     TFUT  UIF  USBKFDUPSZ  QPJOUT  BOE
             with the company’s Multilevel    movement speeds. Once stored
             Safety Concept, the SpeedLine    in the control system’s article
             IS-Machine increases work        database, the settings can be
             safety, in addition to provid-   reused if the article is produced
             ing higher product quality and   again. Running the robot is easy.
             improved productivity.           The advanced control with an
               Depending on local condi-      easy-to-use touch screen helps
             tions, as well as the production   UIF PQFSBUPS UP EP IJT KPC
             process and container type, many
             advantages can be realised:      Safety                                       HEYE
             t  [FSP SFKFDUT GSPN TXBCCJOH      Safety is guaranteed by several   INTERNATIONAL
             t  BWPJEBODF PG TFDUJPO TUPQT    equipment features. First of all,           GMBH
             t  VQ  UP      QFSDFOU  TBWJOH  PO   a safety cage avoids operator
               MVCSJDBUJPO                    contact with the moving robot         Lohplatz 1 - 31683 Obernkirchen
             t  JNQSPWFE PQFSBUPS TBGFUZ      arm. The whole unit (hanging                  Germany
                                                                                      Tel.: +49 - 5724 - 26452
             t  TUBCMF  BOE  SFQFBUBCMF  WPMVNF    on the overhead rail) is equipped
                                                                                      Fax: +49 - 5724 - 26229
               thickness and location of      with sensors, including a bumper    E-mail:
               swabbing.                      on the cage and a scanner near
               Consequently, more time is     the base. If people come too

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