Page 40 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 40


         Energy and cost savings
                                                                               with a number of important glass
                                                                               groups, but there are still more out
                                                                               there that we can help with saving
                                                                                  So being at glasstec for us
                                                                               means to get our name out there
                                                                               in the glass sector.

                                                                                  GMP&A: What about growth?
                                                                               How many people work for your
                                                                                  VPInstruments: We have about
                                                                               20 people working with us, and
                                                                               we also work with Delft University
                                                                               and some technical schools, which
                                                                               means that we often have the col-
                                                                               laboration of students.

                                                                                  GMP&A: How do you see the
                                                                               future for VPInstruments?
                                                                                  VPInstruments: I think we will
                                                                               have more projects going on in
                                                                               the glass sector but also in other
                                                                               manufacturing sectors too. Our
                                                                               sensors are – and will be used
                                                                               more and more to monitor the
                                                                               compressed air systems in these
                                                                                  We are also looking into the use
                                                                               of vacuum in the glass industry,
                                                                               working with auditors to see what
                                                                               we can do.
                                                                                  We hope to have something
                                                                               certain to say and show in 2019
                                                                               about vacuum.
                                                                                  And with the trend of Industry
                                                                               4.0 there is so much demand for
               GMP&A: Why did you decide to   something about energy manage-   data that you need more sensors to
             come to glasstec?                ment –so far so good!            provide this information – so the
               VPInstruments: This is, in fact,                                future is looking good for us!  O
             our first time at glasstec, because   GMP&A: What are you expect-
             so far our focus has always been   ing from the show? What kind of
             only on compressed air trade     results would you like to have from
             shows or those dedicated to      glasstec?
             energy management. But right       VPInstruments: First and fore-
             now we are focussing on the      most, more growth in our turnover
             glass market, because glass man-  of course, because, as we said, we
             ufacturers are major consumers   have started to focus more on the
             of compressed air.               glass market where we get a lot
               So, after being present at a   of larger-scale monitoring project   VPINSTRUMENTS
             smaller show in Europe last year,   from this sector, and there are still
                                                                                        Buitenwatersloot 335
             we discovered that glasstec is   a lot more energy saving opportu-     2614 GS Delft - The Netherlands
             a show that you must attend.     nities.                                 Tel.:+31 - 15 - 2131580
             We have a lot of contacts from     We are hoping to get more of          Fax: +31 - 15 - 2130669
             glass factories and it’s our job to   these projects in 2019, from other
             convince them that they need to   glass groups. We already work

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