Page 38 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 38


         Energy and cost savings
             analyzed. Flow meters play a
             huge role in employee aware-
             ness about responsible energy
             usage. The great thing about
             flow meters is that they respond
             immediately to any changes in
             the machine settings and can be
             linked to other VPInstruments
             equipment that displays real-
             time data over a web interface.
             ACCURACY OR TREND
               Insertion flow meters are easy
             to install without having to shut
             down the compressed air system.
             However, in order to have these
             meters take accurate measure-
             ments, a straight length of pipe
             before and after their location
             is necessary. VPInstruments can
             help to determine which locations
             are best to install the flow meters
             at, in order to gain accurate and   pressed air the plant is using, and   you have no idea how to improve
             representative data. In the case   what will be the correct combina-  this system.
             of less ideal installation condi-  tion of compressors for a typical
             tions, general trends can still be   manufacturing plant. And if you   GMP&A: As you say, if you can’t
             detected.                        consider the many different sizes   measure it you can’t manage it or
                                              of manufacturing plants, you see   improve it …
             INTERVIEW                        that there is an incredible number   VPInstruments: Yes. An example
               Glass Machinery Plants &       of variables involved in the use   could be that sometimes you find
             Accessories (GMP&A): When and    of compressed air. If you don’t   out by measuring that the pressure
             why was the company founded?     measure this air consumption     of the air is going down signifi-
               VPInstruments:  The company
             actually started up in 1999, as a
             family-owned business, basically
             because – as a family – we had
             already developed flow sensor
             technology. My father, in fact, was
             one of the pioneers in flow sensor
             technology – the thermal sensor
             we’re using, and he invented it
             way back in the 1970s. So when
             we started up the company after
             my studies at Delft University, we
             started with a general purpose flow
             measurement device and, after a
             couple of years, we realized that
             there was a lot of interest from
             compressor manufacturers, which
             led us to focus on compressed air
             initially. Nowadays we do more
             than compressed air of course!
               So basically we are manufac-
             turing audit tools for compressed
             air, to find out how the compres-
             sor is running, how much com-

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