Page 39 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 39

cantly, and this might be due to a
             machine using too much air. So
             when you have this information
             you can do something about this
             – working on the control systems,
             for example.
               To enable manufacturers – and
             glassmakers in this case – to be
             able to solve these kinds of prob-
             lems, we supply the tools, the soft-
             ware and the sensors, and we work
             together with energy consultants.
             Energy consultants, in fact, go into
             the factories and carry out assess-
             ments and permanent monitoring
             jobs, and they can then advise the
             clients on the next and correct step
             to take to get the biggest return on
             investment.                                                                    you consider these
               And we are not only speak-                                                   important figures
             ing about saving energy, but also                                              it’s still sometimes
             saving time because if you know                                                difficult to convince
             where the ‘problem’ is you can                                    everybody within the manufactur-
             also save time on maintenance,                                    ing plant, because we are speaking
             as well as machine down time of                                   about air – and air is considered
             course. Last but not least, improv-                               as free, while it is actually the most
             ing machinery performance.                                        expensive aspect.
               Sometimes you can actually see
             when something is going to fail                                      GMP&A: How do you convince
             and so you can take action before                                 them that it’s not free?
             it actually happens.                                                 VPInstruments:   Sometimes
                                                                               people know or find out about
               GMP&A: Are you connected to                                     it from published white papers
             companies that use your monitor-                                  or studies, and other times it can
             ing system, and do you give them                                  be because an audit company has
             remote assistance with regards to                                 come to measure the different
             feedback?                                                         flows around the manufacturing
               VPInstruments: Plants usually                                   plant and you can see that the
             invest in a monitoring system that   tions. Some plants, for example,   air is still being used even at the
             we offer, which provides software,   will invest in 500 measurement   weekend when there is no work
             alarms and alerts, or they already   points, measuring the electric-  going on at the plant. In that case
             have this kind of equipment in   ity consumption of machines, and   you can convert this number into
             place so that they just buy from   then of course compressed air.  Euros per year, and talk about
             us the sensors so that it can be                                  how to reduce these costs.
             used for compressed air applica-   GMP&A: How important is           Other benefits coming from
                                              compressed air in a system?      these kinds of savings also include
                                                VPInstruments: In the glass    better ways of carrying out main-
                                              industry, if you look at costs, the   tenance, also preventing machine
                                              compressed air system is typically   stops.
                                              between 1 and 2 megawats. This      A lot of big companies now
                                              would be about EUR 1.5 to 2 mil-  have global energy management
                                              lion out of an annual energy bill of   programmes so if they have about
                                              about EUR 7 million.             50 plants around the world they
                                                As a percentage it’s about 30   are aiming at doing benchmarking
                                              per cent of a normal electricity   – they want to see if a plant is using
                                              bill for glassworks. And even if   more air than others and why.

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