Page 37 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 37

                                                      PLANTS USE LESS AND       HOW MACHINES PERFORM
                                              GLESS AIR                           Flow meters can be placed
                                                 In an average glass packaging   on each compressor, as well
                                              plant the need for air can easily   as on the main lines to, for
                                              exceed 30,000 to 35,000 Nm3/      example, to the bottle-blowing
                                              hr. With such volumes, com-       machines. There are flow meters
                                              pressed air accounts up to 30 per   that monitor the production and
                                              cent of the total electrical power   consumption of air. The data
                                              consumption of these companies,   retrieved is logged in a system
                                              and it makes sense that this is a   that also keeps track of gas,
                                              main priority.                    power and water consumption.
                                                 VPInstruments supplies its     This can provide a wealth of
                                              flow meters to measure the pro-    data that can be used to develop
                                              duction and consumption of        new energy savings measures.
                                              compressed air to container glass   The efficiency of compressors
                                              manufacturers globally. These     can be monitored by compar-
                                              plants produce millions of glass   ing the amount of compressed
                                              containers per year, using com-   air produced with the power
                                              pressed air to drive the glass    consumption. As soon as a com-
                                              blowing machines and to blow      pressor shows a drop in perfor-
                                              liquid glass into moulds.         mance, the root cause can be
                                                 VPInstruments    equipment     located; for example an issue
                                              provides insight into maintain-   with the cooling system or a
                                              ing efficiency in the machines     fouled inlet filter. Using the
                                              and compressors as well as to     same method the consumption
                                              quickly detect any compressed     of compressed air of the bottle-
                                              air leakages.                     blowing machines can also be

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