Page 19 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 19

Business News

              GOMEL GLASS
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             container plant in

             Gomel Belarus

                 omel Glass has reopened
             Gits glass plant in Gomel
             Belarus, which will produce glass
             container packaging for baby
             food, milk, juices and canned
             food.  Valery Chekhovsky, Director of the glassworks,
             said: “The best environmentally friendly packaging mate-
             rial is glass packaging. It is categorically lacking in Europe,
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             produced in Belarus; the need is about 700 million.”
             The plant will produce 134 gobs of hot glass per minute,

             ‰b|_  l-1_bm;u‹  |o  ;mv†u;  |_;  ruo7†1ঞom  o=  ƑƏƏ  lbѴѴbom
             items per year.
             Vladimir Nachatoy, Director of the parent company of the
             glass factory, said: “In Europe, from next year there will be
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             previously concluded contracts, approximately 35% of all
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             exchange earnings.”
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             packaging. Milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits,
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             ‰_b1_   ;Ѵ-u†vb-mv  ;Šrou|  -m7  ruo7†1;  =ou  |_;  7ol;vঞ1
             Nachatoy said: “Products have already been sold almost a
             year in advance. Investors do not hide their joy and say: if
             you could double the issue, you would have done it already.

              uol |_; Cuv| 7-‹ķ |_; rѴ-m| 1-r-1b|‹ bv ƐƏƏѷ Ѵo-7;7ĺ  ou
             hundreds of Gomel residents, this means stable earnings
             and the wellbeing of their families.”
             $_; 0o‚Ѵ;v ‰bѴѴ 0; ;Šrou|;7 -v 0o|_ - r-1h-]; o=  ;Ѵ-u†vb-m
             products and an independent product. It will begin shipping
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             to Latvia.

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