Page 21 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 21

Business News

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             es to create strong value in the future.”
                                                                        q Glass Melting Furnaces
              oll;mঞm]  om   uĺ   oѴ;‹Ľv  Ѵ;-7;uv_br  oˆ;u  |_;  r-v|  |_u;;
             ‹;-uvķ  uĺ  uu v-b7ķ ľ bѴѴ _-v oˆ;uv;;m - 1ubঞ1-Ѵ r;ubo7 bm  b0-  q Batch Plants
             0;‹Ľv  1oll;u1b-Ѵ  |u-mv=oul-ঞomķ  bm1Ѵ†7bm]  |_;  1u;-ঞom  o=   q Engineering
             o†u  _b]_Ѵ‹  v†11;vv=†Ѵ  -m7  ;Šr-m7bm]  ;Ŋ1oll;u1;  rѴ-oulĺ
              †u|_;uķ _; u;bmˆb]ou-|;7 - 1†Ѵ|†u; o= ruo7†1| bmmoˆ-ঞom |_-|   q Project Management
                                                                        q Turnkey Projects
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             product choices to our customers each year.                q Lehrs
             “The environment that Bill has guided our Company through

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             and challenges taking place within our industry, has not been
             easy. His leadership has helped to maintain and grow our lead-
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             our board of directors.”
             Mr. Bauer has more than 30 years of experience with leading
             consumer product manufacturers. Most recently, he served as
             president of The Master Lock Company (the Security segment
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             In that role, he was responsible for all aspects of the global
             1omv†l;u ]oo7v l-m†=-1|†u;uķ bm1Ѵ†7bm] |_; l-uh;ঞm] -m7
                                                                            For more than 70 years HFT has provided world
             7bv|ub0†ঞom o= Ѵo1hvķ v-=;v -m7 o|_;u l;1_-mb1-Ѵķ ;Ѵ;1|uol;-   class engineering, procurement and construction
             chanical and digital security products.                        services to the global glass industry. Our
                                                                            leadership, experience, quality focus and
             Prior to joining The Master Lock Company, Mr. Bauer served
                                                                            attention to details have given HFT a highly
             -v  ru;vb7;m|  o=  |_;  &ĺ"ĺ  0†vbm;vv  o=   o;mķ  -Ѵvo  -   ou|†m;   respected reputation worldwide.
              u-m7v  ol; ş ";1†ub|‹ķ  m1ĺ v†0vb7b-u‹ -m7 -m bm|;um-ঞom-Ѵ
             l-m†=-1|†u;uķ l-uh;|;u -m7 7bv|ub0†|ou o= u;vb7;mঞ-Ѵ -m7 1ol-
             mercial faucets, sinks, bath accessories and bath safety prod-
             †1|vĺ  uĺ  -†;u fobm;7  o;m -v 1ourou-|; 1om|uoѴѴ;u bm ƐƖƖƕ
             and held successive roles of increasing responsibility, includ-
             bm] 7bu;1|ou o= l-uh;ঞm] -m7 ruo7†1| 7;ˆ;Ѵorl;m|  "  -m7
             vice president and general manager of Moen’s retail business,
             0;=ou; -vv†lbm] |_; uoѴ; o= ru;vb7;m| o= |_; &ĺ"ĺ 0†vbm;vv bm
              uĺ  -†;u _oѴ7v -  ĺ ĺ ĺ bm  11o†mঞm] =uol  Ѵ;ˆ;Ѵ-m7 "|-|;
             &mbˆ;uvb|‹ -m7 -m     bm  bm-m1; =uol  -v; );v|;um !;v;uˆ;
             &mbˆ;uvb|‹ bm  Ѵ;ˆ;Ѵ-m7ķ  _boĺ                                Engineers and Contractors to the Glass Industry
                                                                                    3009 Washington Road
                                                                                McMurray, PA  15317-3202  USA
                                                                             +1 724 941 9550
                                                                         Fax: +1 724 941 3479
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