Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 24

Business News

              r;u-ঞomv v|-u| -|  ;um-l0†1oķ  u-ŒbѴ rѴ-m|

                _;  u;v†lrঞom  o=  or;u-ঞomv  -|  O-I’s plant at Per-  $_; ruo7†1ঞom o= r-1h-]bm] bm |_; †mb| _-7 0;;m 7;-1ঞ-
             Tm-l0†1oķ  u-ŒbѴķ _-v Ѵ;7 |o |_; 1u;-ঞom o= -| Ѵ;-v|   ˆ-|;7 bm  -u1_ ƑƏƐѵ -m7 vbm1; |_;m omѴ‹ 7;1ou-ঞom -m7
             100 new direct jobs in the region, and more than half   Ѵo]bvঞ1v v;uˆb1;v u;l-bm;7 bm rѴ-1;ĺ  m ƑƏƐѶķ |_; 1olr-m‹
             were taken by former employees of the company.      -mmo†m1;7 |_; u;-1ঞˆ-ঞom o= |_; rѴ-m| bm ou7;u |o ;Šr-m7
                                                                 b|v  m-ঞom-Ѵ  1-r-1b|‹ĺ  $_;  v|-@  mo‰  _-v  lou;  |_-m  ƐѵƏ
                                                                 employees. The investment has increased the site’s pro-
                                                                 7†1ঞom 1-r-1b|‹ |o ѵƔķƏƏƏ |omvķ ;t†bˆ-Ѵ;m| |o ƒƏƏ lbѴѴbom
                                                                 glass containers per year.
                                                                 !bѴ7o  bl-ķ ru;vb7;m| o=  Ŋ  "o†|_  l;ub1-ķ v-b7ķ ľ$_; (b|ॕub-
                                                                 7; "-m|o  m|࢛o †mb| -77v |o |_; o|_;u  Ŋ  rѴ-m|v -m7 ‰bѴѴ 0;
                                                                 an important manufacturing hub for the north and northeast,
                                                                 as well as providing packaging to other regions. “The goal is to
                                                                 respond quickly to market demands, which are heated due to
                                                                 |_; blruoˆ;l;m| bm |_; m-ঞom-Ѵ ;1omol‹ĺĿ

                                                                                           )))ĺ ҃ ĺ

                                                                                             FUCHS LUBRITECH
                                              Plant extension in Kaiserslautern

                 m;‰   "ņ!"  ‰-u;_o†v;ķ  |‰o  ruo7†1ঞom  _-ѴѴv  -m7   concept in such a way that we can store numerous materi-
             A  m;‰ oL1; vr-1; =ou - |o|-Ѵ o= Ɛѵ lbѴѴbom  &! _-ˆ;   als such as cardboard boxes and chemicals together, which
             been built on the premises of Fuchs Lubritec GmbH. The   would otherwise not be possible,” explained Markus Heck,
             Ѵo1-ঞom mo‰ 1oˆ;uv - |o|-Ѵ o= ƖѵķƏƏƏ vt†-u; l;|u;vĺ  Managing Director of Fuchs Lubritech, responsible for Pro-
             ľ$_;  ]uo‰|_  o=  |_;  vr;1b-Ѵ  -rrѴb1-ঞom  7bˆbvbom  -m7  |_;   7†1ঞom -m7 "†rrѴ‹  _-bmĺ $‰o m;‰ ruo7†1ঞom _-ѴѴv ‰b|_ -
             1om1;m|u-ঞom  o=  7bˆ;uv;  -1ঞˆbঞ;v  -|  |_bv  Ѵo1-ঞom  l-7;   Yoou vr-1; o= ƐķƏƏƏ -m7 ƐķƒƏƏ vt†-u; l;|u;v l-h; b| rov-
             an expansion necessary. The extension is part of our global   vb0Ѵ; |o vb]mbC1-m|Ѵ‹ ;Šr-m7 ruo7†1ঞom 1-r-1bঞ;vĺ
             ]uo‰|_ bmbঞ-ঞˆ;ķ ‰_b1_ bv =o1†v;7 om 1-r-1b|‹ bm1u;-v; bm    m  -77bঞom  |o  ;Šr-m7bm]  |_;  ‰-u;_o†v;  -m7  ruo7†1ঞom
             line with advanced technology,” said Stefan Fuchs, Chair-  1-r-1bঞ;vķ  |_;  u;v;-u1_  -m7  7;ˆ;Ѵorl;m|  Ѵ-0ou-|oub;v
             man of the Board of Fuchs Petrolub.                 have been expanded and 70 new and state-of-the-art of-
             )b|_ ƐƏķƏƏƏ r-ѴѴ;| vr-1;vķ |_; m;‰ =†ѴѴ‹ -†|ol-ঞ1  "ņ!"   C1; ‰ouhrѴ-1;v _-ˆ; 0;;m 1u;-|;7ĺ ľ); ‰-m| |o o@;u o†u
             ‰-u;_o†v;  7o†0Ѵ;v  ;Šbvঞm]  1-r-1bঞ;v  -m7  bv  |;1_mb1-ѴѴ‹   1†uu;m|  -m7  =†|†u;  ;lrѴo‹;;v  -m  -‚u-1ঞˆ;  ;mˆbuoml;m|
                                      v|-|;Ŋo=Ŋ|_;Ŋ-u|ĺ   ľ m;   -m7 ;m-0Ѵ; bm|;u-1ঞˆ; 1oѴѴ-0ou-ঞomķĿ v-b7  ;um_-u7  b;_Ѵķ
                                      highlight is the energy-   Chairman of the Management Board of Fuchs Lubritech.
                                      saving oxygen reduc-        uo†m7 ƒƏƏ r;orѴ; -u; ;lrѴo‹;7 -| |_;  -bv;u-

                                      ঞomķ ‰_;u;0‹ ‰; †v; -      slautern site.
                                      lo7;um  Cu;  ruo|;1ঞom                            WWW.FUCHS.COM

                glass machinery plants & accessories 3/2019
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