Page 26 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 3-2019
P. 26

Business News

             Siemens helps build digital roadmap

                 lass manufacturer Steklarna Hrastnik is planning a series   bm|o -11o†m| |_; ;Šbvঞm] -vv;|v -m7 ruof;1|v -Ѵu;-7‹ bm rѴ-1;ķ
             Gof investments over the next few years to convert its   because a facility might already have some pieces of the solu-
             current its Hrastnik site into a smart factory by the year 2022.   ঞom †m7;u 7;ˆ;Ѵorl;m| ou _-ˆ; rѴ-mv |o bmˆ;v|ĺ
             To develop a roadmap for investments and developments, the   ľ); Cm-ѴѴ‹ -vv;vv _o‰ ‰; 1omm;1| |_;v; m;‰ voѴ†ঞomv |o |_;
             company sought out Siemens’ digital consultancy service for   plant and how much it costs.”
             glassmakers.                                        In this instance, the client, Steklarna Hrastnik, is a glass pro-
             "b;l;mv   b]b|-ѴbŒ-ঞom   omv†Ѵঞm] head Steeve Baudry ex-  7†1;u  7;7b1-|;7  |o  ]Ѵ-vv  r-1h-]bm]ķ  ]Ѵ-vv‰-u;ķ  -m7  Ѵb]_ঞm]ķ
             plains, “Due to the nature of our Process Industry and the life-  although they also produce handmade glass items as well as
             1‹1Ѵ; o= |_; -vv;|vķ |_; 7b]b|-Ѵbv-ঞom uo-7l-r _-v |o |-h; bm|o   o@;u l-m‹ o|_;u v;uˆb1;vĺ $_; "Ѵoˆ;mb-Ŋ0-v;7 1olr-m‹ bv oˆ;u
             -11o†m| |_; ;Šbvঞm] -†|ol-ঞom -m7  $ v‹v|;lvĺ       150 years old, but is guided by more modern and progressive
             ľ"r;1bC1-ѴѴ‹ _o‰ |o bm|uo7†1; m;‰ |;1_moѴo]b;v bm -m ;Šbvঞm]   leadership ideals. It is perhaps this forward thinking mindset
             ;mˆbuoml;m|ķ _o‰ |o 0;m;C| =uol |_; Ѵ-|;v| |;1_moѴo]b;v 0†|   that led the company to seek advice from Siemens
             without changing everything, in other words how to include   Turning to the topic of Steklarna Hrastnik General Manager
             |_; m;‰ |;1_moѴo]b;v bm|o |_; ;Šbvঞm]  o$ Ѵ-m7v1-r;ĺ   ;|;u   ࢚vķ   -†7u‹  1omঞm†;7ķ  ľ uĺ   ࢚v  hm;‰  _;  _-7  |o  7o
             ľ); =o1†v om - uo-7l-r oˆ;u |_; m;Š| Cˆ; ‹;-uvĺ $_bv ]bˆ;v -m   vol;|_bm]ķ _; ‰-v -‰-u; o= |_; 0;m;C|v o= 7b]b|-Ѵ 0†| _; ‰-m|-
             -11;r|-0Ѵ; _oubŒom =ou bmˆ;v|l;m| -m7 v-ঞv=‹ |_;     1ol-  ;7 vol; v†rrou|ķ vol; ]†b7;Ѵbm;vķ - =u-l;‰ouh -m7 ;Šr;uঞv;
             munity while keeping the digital road at a manageable com-  to proceed. Within a few weeks he had changed from digital
             plexity level because such a roadmap involves many projects   v;mvbঞˆ; |o 7b]b|-ѴѴ‹ u;-7‹ĺ
             that are technically interconnected.                ľ †u 1†v|ol;uv hmo‰ |_;‹ _-ˆ; |o 7b]b|-Ѵbv; |_;bu v†rrѴ‹ 1_-bm
             ľ$_bv  bm1Ѵ†7;v  1‹0;u  v;1†ub|‹  -m7  -†|ol-ঞom  m;|‰ouhvķ  ou   -m7 u;7†1; |_;bu ঞl; |o l-uh;|ķ 0†| _o‰ 7o |_;‹ 7o |_-|ĵ
             MES and Document Management systems for example.    $_;‹ -ѴѴ _-ˆ; ]oo7 b7;-v -0o†| 7b]b|-Ѵbv-ঞom 0†| |_;‹ 7omĽ|
             ľ ;;rbm] |_; uo-7l-r ‰b|_bm - |_u;; |o Cˆ; ‹;-u _oubŒom u;-  know where to start.
             v†Ѵ|v  bm  ruorov;7  |u-7bঞom-Ѵ  lo7;umbv-ঞom  ruof;1|vķ  ‰_bѴ;   “The value we provide is to translate these strategic visions
             looking at a 10-year roadmap will be more a ‘picture of the   into an implementable roadmap  where  we tell them, okay,
             future’ rather than a concrete roadmap.             _;u;Ľv |_; l-bm ruof;1|vķ |_; blrѴ;l;m|-ঞom ঞl;Ѵbm; -m7 |_;
             ľ$o ]†-u-m|;; |_-| ‰; 7;Ѵbˆ;uķ 1om1u;|; -m7 -1ঞom-0Ѵ; u;v†Ѵ|vķ   cost, and this in a vendor-neutral way.
             we follow the same approach.                        ľ | |_; ;m7 o= |_-| 1omv†Ѵঞm] ruof;1|ķ |_;‹ _-ˆ; - 1om1u;|;

             ľ); bmˆ;vঞ]-|; ‰b|_ 1†v|ol;uv ‰_-| |_;‹ ‰-m| |o -1_b;ˆ;   roadmap, with a concrete investment plan with which they can
             ‰b|_ 7b]b|-Ѵbv-ঞom ŋ 7o |_;‹ ‰-m| |o -1_b;ˆ; blruoˆ;7 ঞl; |o   go directly on to the market and ask suppliers to give quota-
             l-uh;|ķ blruoˆ;7 t†-Ѵb|‹ķ bm1u;-v;7 ;m;u]‹ ;L1b;m1‹ĵ  ঞomv =ou |_; ruof;1|v ‰b|_ |_;v; vr;1bC1-ঞomvĺ
             ľ$_;m ‰; bmˆ;vঞ]-|; |_; ;Šbvঞm] v‹v|;lv |_-| -u; bm rѴ-1;ĺ   ľ$_bv v;| †rķ 1ol0bmbm] l;|_o7oѴo]‹ķ ‰b|_  $ņ $ -m7 ]Ѵ-vv
              o |_;‹ _-ˆ; -m‹  !  v‹v|;lķ _o‰ bv |_; -†|ol-ঞom Ѵ-‹;u   ;Šr;uঞv;ķ bv †mbt†; -m7 -ѴѴo‰ †v |o ruoˆb7; - 1om1u;|;ķ |-b-
             7;ˆ;Ѵor;7ķ _o‰ bv |_; -†|ol-ঞom m;|‰ouh 1omm;1|;7ĵ )_-|   lor made and immediately implementable roadmap. We have
             bv b|v 1‹0;uv;1†ub|‹ v|u-|;]‹ĵ  m o|_;u ‰ou7vķ ‰; |u‹ |o u;1om-  seen a lot of interest from customers because of that set up.”
             1bѴb-|; |_; |orŊ7o‰m -rruo-1_ ‰b|_ |_; 0o‚ol †r ˆb;‰ =uol   Projects such as these might last around four to six weeks, and
             |_; C;Ѵ7ĺ                                           o= |_-| ঞl; "b;l;mv ‰bѴѴ |‹rb1-ѴѴ‹ vr;m7 |_u;; ‰;;hv om vb|;
             ľ m1; ‰; _-ˆ; - 1Ѵ;-u ˆb;‰ om |_; v|u-|;]‹ -m7 |_; ;Šbvঞm]   with the customer.
              $ -m7  $ Ѵ-m7v1-r;ķ ‰; b7;mঞ=‹ |_; lov| blrou|-m| ruof;1|v   $_;‹ ‰bѴѴ Ѵ;-7 ‰ouhv_orvķ bm|;uˆb;‰ v|-@ķ bmˆ;vঞ]-|; |_; l--
             that need to be implemented.                        |†ub|‹ o= |_; v‹v|;lv -m7 |_;bu bm|;u1omm;1ঞomvķ 0†bѴ7 - l-r
             ľ); |_;m 1-Ѵ1†Ѵ-|; |_; bmˆ;v|l;m| =ou - vr;1bC1 rѴ-m|ķ |-hbm]   o= |_; ruo1;vv -m7 o= |_;bu  $ -m7  r;u-ঞom-Ѵ $;1_moѴo]‹ Ő $ő

                glass machinery plants & accessories 3/2019
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