Page 46 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 46

                                                                               new era in bottle making was
                                                                               launched. From the very start,
                                                                               Gallo Glass was able to meet
                                                                               production needs while mini-
                                                                               mizing the impact on the envi-
                                                                               ronment. As early as 1961, the
                                                                               company commissioned a sec-
                                                                               ond melting furnace, which con-
                                                                               tinued to be supplied by only
                                                                               one batch plant. When Gallo
                                                                               Glass needed a third furnace
                                                                               in 1970, the batch house had
                                                                               almost reached its limits. When
                                                                               a fourth furnace was added in
                                                                               1972, a second batch house was
                                                                               finally acquired.
                                                                               GROWING ENVIRONMENTAL
                  Thanks to the integrated solution and the expertise          AWARENESS
                      of the batch systems engineering company,                   In the 1980s, society experi-
                    the Simatic PCS 7 process control system also              enced a renewed awareness of
                                                                               environmental matters, which led
                              found its way to Gallo Glass.
                                                                               Gallo Glass to make its processes
                                                                               even more efficient and resource

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