Page 66 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 66


            PIRAMAL GLASS

            beating the stereotype

                                                                                                  RAJEEV JETLEY

                                             Indian Pharma and cosmetic glass bottle leader

                                             takes on the global luxury container glass giants.

                                                     MP&A: In your opinion,    perfumery segment contributes
                                                     what would the approxi-   around 80 per cent of the total
                                             Gmate market (value or            cosmetic glass packaging indus-
                                             volume) of the global cosmetic    try and Piramal Glass captures
                                             glass packaging industry? What    around 4 per cent of this market.
                                             is your company’s market share    In the cosmetics segment (mainly
              Vijay Shah, Vice Chairman      in this market?                   nail polish), Piramal Glass is one
              - Piramal Glass & Executive       Vijay Shah:  The global cos-   of the largest players in the world
              Director - Piramal
              Enterprises Ltd.               metic glass packaging industry    and captures around 40 per cent
                                             is estimated to be around USD     of the market.
                                             2.25 billion as per value basis.
                                             Piramal Glass captures around       GMP&A:  How much of your
                                             6-7 per cent of this market. The   output from Indian and Sri

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