Page 59 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 59


                                                                                    CO. KG

                                                                                    Based in Gersthofen, Germany, sedak was
                                                                                    founded in 2007. With 150 employees,
                                                                                    the world’s leading glass fabricator produces
                                                                                    insulating and processed, tempered,
                                                                                    laminated, printed, coated and cold
                                                                                    bent safety glass in dimensions up to 3.2
                                                                                    meters by 16 meters. The company’s core
                                                                                    capabilities are lamination of glass, edging,
                                                                                    and its knowledge of producing glass
                                                                                    components with additional functional and
                                                                                    decorative elements. sedak’s production
                                                                                    has been optimized for extraordinary glass
                                                                                    sizes; the level of automation for such glass
                                                                                    dimensions is unique. All finishing steps
                                                                                    are handled in-house with its new, fully
                                                                                    automated insulating glass line. As a full
                                                                                    supplier for large-size glass units, sedak sees
                                                                                    itself as a partner for architects, designers,
                                                                                    and façade constructors. Outstanding
                                                                                    references of its work are the Apple Cube
                                                                                    and the Lincoln Center Canopies in New
                                                                                    York, the Städel Museum in Frankfurt,
                                                                                    and the Tottenham Court Road Station in

                                                               ements connected to a glass   turer produces the support-
                                                               fin. Both the six-meter high   ing glass fins with fixing el-
                                                               fin and the glass panes are   ements such as metal shoes.
                                                               multiple laminates fabri-  The design allows for sim-
                                                               cated with an edge qual-  ple installation on site.
                                                               ity characteristic for sedak.   LARGE PRINT
                                                               The toggle system with its   WITH HIGH LEVEL
                                                               minimalistic  connection  OF DETAIL
                                                               elements, is a trademark
                                                               of the company’s technical   With a 5.5 meter long and
                                                               brilliance. The parts have   2.6 meter high glass pane,
                                                               been laminated between   sedak displayed not only
                                                               the laminates’ layers in a   its motto, “Big in Detail,”
                                                               highly precise way so that   but also its printing capa-
                                                               the elements are almost   bility. Since 2014, sedak
           breaking solutions for the   GLASS IN A KEY         invisible. This unique tech-  has operated a ceramic-ink
           small details is it possible   POSITION             nology opens new ways of   digital printer for 16 meter
           for big ideas to work. To   Maximum transparency can   designing façades. sedak   long glass with a resolution
           prove that, sedak exhibited   be achieved as soon as the   has used the technique for   of 720 dots per inch. That
           glass at the BAU 2017 ac-  façade’s supporting struc-  the Apple Cube in New   enables sedak to creates a
           cording to its motto ‘Big in   ture is out of glass. As an   York, the Skywalk in Dubai   back-lit, printed glass dis-
           Detail’ using four exhibits   example, sedak showcased   as well as for several glass-  play that impresses with ex-
           to explain the techniques   this modern architecture   fin façades of premium   cellent colour brilliance and
           behind them.              concept with two façade el-  stores. The glass manufac-  a very high level of detail.

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