Page 60 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 60


                                                                                        By firing the colours in the
                                                                                        tempering furnace, they are
                                                                                        permanently bonded to the
                                                                                        surface and the print is ex-
                                                                                        tremely resistant. The glass
                                                                                        produced for BAU 2017
                                                                                        was printed with a photo
                                                                                        showing how an insulating
                                                                                        glass unit is siliconized on
                                                                                        the world’s largest insu-
                                                                                        lating glass line in sedak’s
                                                                                        production hall.
                                                                                        WITH PRECISION
                                                                                        Cold-bending during lami-
                                                                                        nation enables sedak to
                                                                                        produce curved glass of
                                                                                        very high quality. Dur-
                                                                                        ing the lamination process
                                                                                        in the autoclave, only the
                                                                                        foils between the glass lay-
                                                                                        ers melt. After cooling, the
                                                                                        glass therefore appears
                                                                                        in perfect quality without
                                                                                        any roller waves or other
                                                                                        Cold-bent multiple lami-
                                                                                        nates redefine the possi-
                                                                                        bilities of glass processing.
                                                                                        The fabrication requires an
                                                                                        absolute precision and di-
                                                                                        mensional accuracy. sedak
                                                                                        presented a 20 millime-
                                                                                        tre thick triple laminate of
                                                                                        1.28 by 3.68 metre sam-
                                                                                        ples similar to the model
                                                                                        that had been installed on
                                                                                        a mega yacht. The bending
                                                                                        line with a rise of 120 mil-
                                                                                        limetres is diagonal so the
                                                                                        glass pane nestles perfectly
                                                                                        against the ship’s spheri-
                                                                                        cally shaped hull. Beside
                                                                                        the high demand for preci-
                                                                                        sion, the glass panes have
                                                                                        to pass leak tests for usage
                                                                                        under water. But the archi-
                                                                                        tectural sector also benefits
                                                                                        from cold-bent glass since

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