Page 61 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 61

Sedak GmbH & Co. KG

                                                                                    Einsteinring 1 - 86368 Gersthofen
                                                                                    Tel.: +49-821-2494222
                                                                                    Fax: +49-821-2494777

           it allows for diverse design   metre wide, 4,000 millime-  and also developed better   grams per meter. In a short
           possibilities.            tre high and 600 millimetre   logistic capabilities. sedak   video, the milestone in the
                                     thick triple insulating glass   now has the world’s largest   insulating glass production
           AUTOMATED                 unit that also contained a   inloader, which can trans-  can be appreciated.
           PERFECTION UP TO          laminate. For the highest   port glass up to 16 meters,   The video can be found at:
           15 METERS
                                     quality requirements and a   including the glass rack.
           sedak produces double and   uniform and exact appear-  Due to its refined interior   en/image-film/
           triple insulating glass units   ance, the coated glass pane   concept, no escort vehi-  The clip gives an inter-
           with a length up to 15 me-  has a printed edge.     cle is required. A crane or   esting insight into the
           ters on their fully automat-  INNOVATION            a glass vacuum lifter for a   unique  production  of
           ed insulating glass line. The   LEADERSHIP –        time-consuming unloading   oversize glass units. What
           industrial manufacture en-  FORWARD THINKING        is not necessary anymore.  used to require several
           sures that all details are ex-                      PRESENTATION             days of manual manu-
           ecuted correctly. An exact   sedak not only showcased   VIDEO                facturing can now take less
           positioning of the spacer   big formats but also that                        than an hour. The entire
           and a precise silicon appli-  it is big in quality. In par-  Since 2015, sedak has fab-  process is fully automated,
           cation is guaranteed even   ticular with special con-  ricated oversize insulating   from equipping the insu-
           with non-rectangular glass.   structions, the glass manu-  glass with the world’s larg-  lating glass line all the way
           Furthermore, the IGU line   facturer demonstrated its   est, 145 meter long insu-  through to positioning the
           has reduced the production   solution-oriented compe-  lating glass line. It enables   spacers accurately to a mil-
           time significantly so that   tence – always with auto-   manufacturer to produce   limetre to de-stacking the
           large formats are now fab-  mated precision. As a lead-  double and triple units up   finished glass units. Thus,
           ricated more economically.   ing innovator, sedak has   to 15 meters and 7 tonnes,   the panes are available more
           As an example of a highly   pushed production auto-  fully automated and in a   quickly. The new techno-
           precise  production  of   mation further with new   reproducible quality. That   logy offers architects and
           oversize glass units, sedak   technologies and machines   corresponds to a loading   façade constructors new de-
           showcased a 2,800 milli-  during the last two years,   capacity of up to 450 kilo-  sign possibilities.

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