Page 38 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 38
is that we work together CRM Systems, which will tero itself, and partly be-
to overcome problems. be implemented by Bottero cause the big names (like
I’ve seen this myself in my from New Years Day. St. Gobain, Asahi Glass-
short ten years here, but it This transition is absolutely AGC, and Glaverbel before
is very clearly central to the essential to Bottero to en- that , Pilkington, NSG,
company culture, and it’s able us to optimize our Guardian) came looking
something I’m very proud structure to manage all our for Bottero because of its
to be part of. data and customer infor- flexibility and innovation
mation so that we can react in finding new solutions.
GTI: What are the future to the market demand ever What applies to the big
prospects for Bottero? more quickly. groups also applies to the
DC: Since the restructuring Will there be challenges? not-so-big customers – we
of the group a few years Of course there will; we are shouldn’t think of them as
ago, the future prospects continually reorganizing to “small” – they have fewer
for the company are really bring production and man- people and produce or
quite promising. In 2016 ufacturing more in-house process less glass, but they
we drew up a Five Year and give us more control are as important for us as
Industrial Plan to manage over quality and more re- the multinational groups.
growth and set ourselves liable lead times and al- They spend their own
the rather ambitious target low us to grow. This is an money, they invest their
of reaching a turnover of ambitious plan for Bottero, own resources, they work
200million by 2020. This focused on growth – every- in a competitive environ-
will be achieved by work- one wants to grow, and this ment just like Bottero does
ing to different targets for is how we will grow. every day. I really hope that
flat and hollow glass; the the big players – Bottero
GTI: How do major players
growth will not only be in included – can support
like yourselves operate in
terms of turnover but also them by giving them a vi-
such a complex market?
in terms of improving and sion of what they could do.
developing new products DC: There are four or five If they want to automate any other “point zero”. I
for the market, like the new major players in the world some specific part of their think that the real challenge
548LAM Laminated glass and Bottero would certain- production, we can help for everyone –suppliers of
cutting table by Bottero ly count itself among them, them with that; if they want machinery and customers
Flat Glass; in terms of peo- and while they do not act to think about reorganizing alike – in the next few years
ple and here we mean not in concert – because they or finding another layout, is the transformation of the
just in numbers but we also are in a competitive situ- Bottero can help them. We glass business into a much
want to improve the quality ation – I hope they have have been working a lot more organized industrial-
of the skills and profession- a similar approach in that in the last 24 to thirty six ized process.
alism of the Bottero team they support their custom- months with companies of
GTI: What do you think are
around the world. We also ers by modernizing and every size all over the world
the opportunities offered by
want to improve in capillar- industrializing the concept in supporting them in this
Industry 4.0?
ity, which means we want of their production and way.
to be able to get closer to manufacturing facilities. I In Italy there is a tendency DC: We think it is a very
our customers – not just for think Bottero has an im- to see Industry 4.0 as mak- great opportunity for us
new sales but also for better portant advantage over the ing all kinds of everything because we see a great
service. We want to grow in others because we have automatic, but let me give number of companies
new technology; we are on been working with the big you my personal take on who have to make their
the threshold of a new era groups and international that: I think that Industry machinery Industry 4.0
which will begin on January players for sixty years – 4.0 is fantastic if we focus compliant. At Bottero our
1st, 2018 with the intro- since Day One. It is partly on “Industry” first, before machines have been In-
duction of new European due to the nature of Bot- focusing on 4.0 or 5.0 or dustry 4.0 compliant for
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