Page 39 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 39

at least five years. Indus-
           try 4.0 requires that the
           machines collect process
           data. Our machines have   special solutions. Four or
           always been open to data   five years ago, when we   than with tradi-
           collection. Industry 4.0   had to deal with the first   tional methods and it was
           requires automation, and   thin glass (0.5mm thick-  a success because we were
                                                                                        and what are the new
           our machines have always   ness) handling and “cold   ready “in our soul” to size
           been ready for automa-    end”, Bottero was chosen   the opportunities of In-
           tion – even very basic ma-  by customers all over the   dustry 4.0. Customers can   DC: I’ll take the last part
           chines can be equipped    world because of its inno-  rely on us to meet their   of that first. New markets.
           with automation! In ad-   vative approach. When we   expectations of Industry   A new market is wherever
           dition Bottero also has an   had to handle solar panel   4.0, and not just to get the   there is a transition from
           internal section, Engineer-  glass (PV glass) some   benefits of less tax.    manual cutting to using
           ing, which is a division of   years before that, Bot-                        a cutting-table, so south-
                                                               GTI: What does network-
           Bottero Flat Glass that   tero was chosen because                            east Asia is an obvious
                                                               ing mean to you, how do
           deals with special equip-  it elected to handle these                        area – there is a transition
                                                               you break into new markets
           ment, special applications,   panels with robots rather                      situation with increasing

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