Page 49 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 49

front positioning of the   pects that, in the past, were   processes carried out.”  made’ machine, resulting
             smaller glass;         almost marginal, such as   This important project took   from the close collabo-
           -  streamlined glass unload-  curving, which, for extreme-  almost two years to com-  ration between the two
             ing system.            ly large-sized glass sheets   plete – in 2017 – with the   companies to create a
           “The Tvitec-Forel line can   can be really important. The   delivery of the new Forel   specific line. The ever-
           process some of the larg-  result is a line able to adapt   Jumbo line at Tvitec’s fac-  increasing use of glass in
           est sizes of IG glass re-  to glass sheets that are not   tory in Ponferrada (Castilla-  architecture and façades
           quested by today’s market,”   perfectly flat – and we are   Leon), northern Spain.   has, in fact, created im-
           explains Stefano Salvian,   speaking about centimetres   THE NEW NO LIMITS   portant market opportuni-
           Sales Director. “The design   here – with features that are   JUMBO LINE     ties that glass processors
           of the line involved commit-  completely different from                      such as Tvitec are aiming
           ment and skills. We had to   other lines, with regards to   The line built by Forel for   to respond to with ad hoc
           take into consideration as-  size, accuracy and types of   Tvitec is a true ‘tailor-  equipment.

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