Page 50 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 50


                                     moval with more than one   microclimate. Suction cups   centring device. There is
           Loading of the glass sheets   passage with a single head.   and processing heads have   also a device to identify
           takes place by means of   The installation of an in-  been designed to work   low-E glass, exactly the
           loading section, one of   ductive sensor – contact-  with non-flat glass sheets.   same as the one installed
           which with re-entry sys-  less – guarantees even   In fact, thanks to double   on the edger. The washing
           tem, to facilitate loading   higher precision, identify-  gripping movements the   machine has pre-washing
           with tongs.               ing low-E glass. This ena-  glass can be blocked and   and 8 brushes, 40-millime-
                                     bles to guarantee a more   processed even if curved,   tre opening (up to 50 mil-
           Coating removal
                                     reliable identification of the   while the grinding wheel   limetres in manual mode)
           Equipped with two working   glass types, also in the case   follows the curve of the   and drying. Maintenance
           heads, the coating remover   of sheets with dust coming   glass sheet.       of the washing machine
           does not need to turn back   from storage. Mechanical                        has also been made simpler
                                                              Washing machine
           the glass sheet being pro-  parts are protected from                         and easier to use.
           cessed. The grinding wheel   glass dust and powder   At the entrance, the wash-
                                                                                        Quality control inspection
           has a thickness of 30 mil-  thanks to a series of blow-  ing machine is equipped
                                                                                        and spacer positioning
           limetres, but can also carry   ers and dust removal sys-  with a system to identify
           out even higher coating re-  tem, thus maintaining the   glass thickness and self-  The inspection area has

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