Page 72 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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           for Sparklike Handheld™   Finland                   time looking to guarantee   devices and services.
           devices – that are designed   During the summer 2017,   the production quality for   An important milestone
           for the non-destructive   Sparklike took the decision   standard double glazed   is being reach this year,
           analysis of standard double   to hire Jarno Hartikainen   insulating glass units also   when Sparklike will pre-
           glazed IGU’s – is based on   as Development Manager.   for its national market,   sent its full Sparklike La-
           Plasma Emission Spectros-  Hartikainen’s main goals   Sparklike named Prashant   ser™ product line for the
           copy. Sparklike Laser™    are to evaluate innova-   Bagkar from Pulsar Tech-  first time ever at the glass
           product line, on the other   tive industrial processes,   nologies as its official dis-  industry’s biggest event –
           hand, is based on Laser   develop business areas, to   tributor for India.   glasstec – taking place in
           Technology (TDLAS) and    review technical upgrading                         October 2018 in Düssel-
           can analyze the insulating   opportunities, acquire suit-  Spain and Portugal  dorf, Germany.
           glass gas fill non-destruc-  able new customers/coop-  Last but not least, in or-  During the event, Spark-
           tive for triple and double   eration partners, as well as   der to further reinforce its   like will be present at Hall
           glazed units, even with   to develop internal quality   presence in Europe, during   14 Stand B38. Further-
           coatings and laminated    processes.                the fall 2017, Sparklike in-  more, Sparklike will also
           glasses. Finally, Sparklike                         troduced Tecnocrisa, S.A.   present their technology at
           devices™ are strongly re-  United States            as its distributor for Spain   the engineered transpar-
           lated to energy saving and   Furthermore, due to the   and Portugal.         ency conference organ-
           energy consumption. This   growing interest towards   This company was an ex-  ized by the Universities of
           is important, since control-  Sparklike devices™ within   cellent choice due to its   Darmstadt and Dresden
           ling and determining the   the North American re-   over 30-year experience in   in cooperation with Messe
           gas concentration inside   gion, Sparklike also de-  the glass industry. Since   Düsseldorf.
           the insulating glass units   cided to grow its person-  1982, Tecnocrisa has dis-
           requires effective and reli-  nel by hiring Mike Burk as   tributed machineries for   Gas measurement
           able tools to meet the in-  North America Technical   the glass industry and   without breaking
           creasing and tightening in-  Representative, since he   represented international   the IGU
           dustry requirements as well   has worked in the technical   manufacturers  of  ma-  All the devices within the
           as end-user expectations.   and training areas of the   chinery, consumables and   Sparklike Laser™ product
                                     insulating glass industry   equipment from different   line allow the measurement
           SPARKLIKE:                for over 25 years.        sectors within the glass in-  of insulating glass gas fill
           GLOBAL                                              dustry.                  without breaking the IGU
           OPERATIONS;               India                                              or without having any extra
           CONSTANT                  In addition to the Spark-  Product growth and      components inside. Fur-
           GROWTH                    like HQ in Helsinki and   development              thermore, this laser based

           In order to strengthen its   representative offices in   In addition to growing its   technology enables the
           global presence and to bet-  the US and China, Spark-  global presence in terms   insulating gas analysis of
           ter answer to the  growing   like’s sales operations are   of distributors and repre-  triple- and double glazed
           demand concerning its de-  being carried out through   sentatives, as an innovation   IGUs, even with coatings
           vices and services, Sparklike   a global distributor net-  driven Nordic company   and laminated glasses.
           has increased its personnel,   work. Sparklike is con-  that holds several patents   The product line was devel-
           expanded its distributor net-  stantly looking to adjust its   for its cutting-edge tech-  oped by Sparklike’s R&D
           work and is continuously   sales and marketing reach   nology, Sparklike is also   Engineer, Kai Niiranen,
           developing  its  offering.  to fit the glass industry de-  constantly developing its   and is based on Tuneable
           During the last 12 months   mands.
           Sparklike has started col-  Therefore, as the grow-
           laboration with two new dis-  ing Indian insulating glass
           tributors and has hired two   market is rapidly aiming
           people to its offices in Fin-  to meet the quality re-
           land and in the US.       quirements of Western
                                     countries, but at the same

           70 Glass-Technology International 4/2018               How laser measures the IGU
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