Page 74 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 74


                                                                                                   Estimating glass and
                                                                                                  insulating glazed units’
                                                                                                     energy efficiency
           nents that are integrated   ent coatings. The purpose   glass surfaces are
           directly into the insulating   of the test was to verify the   generally  much
           glass line.               results from measurements   greater,  argon
           Furthermore, this commu-  done with Sparklike Laser   filled triple glazed
           nication between the IG   Standard™ analyzer, by    units can help to
           line and the device is car-  using gas chromatograph   obtain even up to
           ried out by using an Ether-  as a reference device. The   50 per cent energy
           net port, eventually allow-  test showed that every   savings compared to the   can be observed from the
           ing the measurement data   sample was measurable by   use of air filled windows.   aboove table ‘Estimating
           to be stored, for example,   using the Sparklike Laser   Therefore, it has become   glass and insulating glazed
           in the company’s ERP.     Standard™ device. The full   clear that windows are not   units’ energy efficiency’,
           The system developed by   report can be download-   merely an aesthetic ele-  cost – here oil consump-
           Sparklike Engineers reads   ed here:  http://campaign.  ment, but play a primor-  tion – can be radically re-
           the port and sends data  dial role when considering   duced by using argon filled
           back according to the com-  on-sparklike-laser.     buildings’  maintenance  insulating glass units. The
           munication protocol.                                costs. In order to further   most prominent increase in
           To ensure an easy-to-use   ENERGY SAVING            explore the subject of build-  oil consumption can be de-
           protocol, all the com-    WITH HIGH QUALITY         ings’ maintenance costs,   tected between the single
           mands and replies have    INSULATING GLASS          a well-known supplier of   glazed unit and the argon
           pre-determined  lengths.  UNITS                     essential products for the   filled low-E coated and tri-
           Finally, specific commands   It has been calculated that   global construction indus-  ple glazed unit, where oil
           enable the measurement of   in North America and Eu-  try, Akzo Noble interpreted   consumption increases by
           the IGU in sync with the   rope, the buildings con-  glass and glazing units’ en-  a staggering 757 per cent!
           production line.          sume a staggering 40 per   ergy consumption (U-val-  It can be concluded that
                                     cent of the primary energy   ue) by converting it to oil   when considering energy
           Traditional versus Sparklike  consumption.          consumption. The featured   saving,  the  structures’
           Traditionally gas concen-  However, this figure can   table titled “Estimating   proper heat insulation is
           tration has been measured   significantly be reduced if   glass and insulating glazed   a cost-effective way to re-
           with a gas chromatograph,   the buildings are purpose-  units’ energy efficiency”   duce the need for heating.
           an invasive test device to   fully designed, constructed   represents an estimate for   Therefore, properly heat
           analyze gas concentration   and used. Furthermore, a   glass and insulating glazed   insulated buildings and
           within double and triple   report released by the In-  units’ energy efficiency   quality controlled insulat-
           glazed  insulating  glass  ternational Energy Agency   using  oil  consumption  ing glass units can signifi-
           units. In order to compare   (IEA) clearly stated that   (l/m²*a) as the unity for   cantly reduce energy con-
           Sparklike Laser™ devices   from the overall energy   energy consumption. As   sumption.
           with the traditional tech-  of office buildings, 20 per
           nology, Sparklike Oy re-  cent is being consumed
           quested ift Rosenheim, a   on lighting, 16 per cent on
                                                                       Sparklike Oy
           well-known test laboratory   heating and 14 per cent        Sparklike Oy
           to perform a test in order   on cooling. Furthermore,
           to determine the argon gas   typically about 15-20 per
           concentration in insulating   cent of building wall sur-
           glass units by using a par-  face is windows, and it has
           ticularly challenging test   been estimated that 25 per
           specimen.                 cent of building’s energy
           This test specimen included   consumption could be re-
           samples with different con-  duced, if the windows were
           structions i.e. clear glass,   argon filled double glazed
           triple glazed units as well as   units. On the other hand, in
           laminated glass with differ-  office buildings where the
                                                                         Hermannin rantatie 12 A 21,
                                                                         00580 Helsinki, Finland
                                                                         Tel: +358 – 10 – 3877701
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