Page 76 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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                                     business and the realisation   tion of Promat UK’s new   reaching and looks at every
           PRODUCTION SPACE          of our goal to establish an   factory  was  conceived  aspect of our business in
           DOUBLED                   industrial hub in the North   around delivering the high-  detail to ensure we’re do-
           The two-year Heywood      West of England, where    est quality products to   ing things in the best way
           development  programme,   there is a great talent pool in   customers and end-user   possible.
           which has doubled Promat   manufacturing and excellent   peace of mind. This re-  “Tragic recent events in
           UK’s production space and   supporting networks.”   quired the right investment   London have put the per-
           increased staff numbers by                          in processes, training and   formance of products that
           20%, has seen the compa-  PUTTING FIRE GLASS        management to ensure the   are designed to save lives
           ny relocate its HQ from its   TO THE TEST           company would be one of   under the spotlight like
           original home in Bracknell,   The new Heywood site   the first companies of its   never before. It is vitally
           and integrate its made-to-  also houses Promat UK’s   kind to successfully move   important for specifiers,
           order workshop and special-  test facility, which ensures   up to the latest ‘2015’ edi-  contractors and installers
           ist solutions operations that   fire resistant glass products   tions of the globally rec-  to eliminate risk, particu-
           were previously located at   can be tested for total per-  ognised ISO 9001 qual-  larly with products like fire-
           Bromborough on the Wir-   formance reliability. More   ity management and ISO   resistant glass, and here
           ral. The new factory serves   than 500 tests have been   14001 environmental man-  ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
           clients in all industry sectors   completed since the test fa-  agement system standards.  help make a difference.
           across the UK, with four   cility was established, car-  This dual standard up-  “These  standards  go
           new purpose-built CNC     ried out independently by   grade gives customers the   hand-in-hand, giving our
           machines ensuring that be-  Exova Warringtonfire, to   assurance that products   customers peace of mind
           spoke products are precision   give customers additional   are manufactured to a   knowing that independent
           manufactured to the highest   peace of mind.        consistently high standard   experts have been through
           quality standards.        Ian Cowley adds: “Our test   in processes designed to   the way we manufacture
           The new factory is also de-  facility is an essential part of   minimise  environmental  and supply products with
           signed with sustainability at   the process when it comes   impact and with excellent   a fine-tooth comb. In com-
           its core, with a comprehen-  to providing assurance that   supply reliability. These   bination with our specific
           sive extraction system en-  our products will deliver the   ISO standards are awarded   product approvals, such as
           suring that production dust   passive fire protection that   to companies only when   those provided by CERTI-
           is collected to be re-used in   they promise. The growing   independent assessors are   FIRE, this means we give
           other fire protection prod-  demand for our SYSTEM-  satisfied that its manage-  our customers a ‘belt and
           ucts. The plant is also evolv-  GLAS  complete fire rated   ment, its operations and all
           ing to be a zero landfill waste   glazing system, for example,   processes meet their strict
           operation by 2020.        points to an increased un-  criteria.
           Ian Cowley, General Man-  derstanding in the market   Achieving these new stand-
           ager at Promat UK says:   that fire resistant products   ards is another important
           “The completion of our    must be backed with the   differentiator for Promat
           relocation programme and   right test data from credible   UK as it works to raise
           creation of this superb new   authorities. That’s why we   standards and eliminate
           facility cements our place   believe it is vital to have offer   risk in the design and spec-
           at the forefront of the UK   our customers a dedicated   ification of fire, thermal
           fire protection market. We   test facility as part of what   and acoustic insulation.
           are delighted that so many   we do.”                Ian Cowley adds: “We’re
           of our team have relocat-                           delighted to become one
           ed with us to ensure we   LEADING                   of the first manufacturers
           maintain the highest level   THE MARKET WITH        of fire, thermal and acous-
           of technical expertise and   NEW QUALITY AND        tic insulation to reach the
           consistency in points of   ENVIRONMENTAL            2015 ISO standards. The
           contact for clients.      STANDARDS                 work that goes into achiev-
           “It’s an exciting time for the   The design and configura-  ing these standards is far-

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