Page 75 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 75


         Promat UK

                                              MAJOR NEW FACTORY

                       PROGRAMME WITH INDUSTRY-


         Promat UK tells our                                  The new Promat UK headquarters and main manufacturing facility near Manchester.

         readers about its recent         romat UK, one of the   performance insulation and   portfolio, which includes

                                          UK’s leading manu-
         new facility, where it      P facturers of fire, ther-  reliable passive fire protec-  glass brands such as PY-
                                                                                        ROCET ,
                                                               tion in all markets, includ-
         has the perfect place       mal and acoustic insulation   ing the door, window and   and SMOKESTREAM ,
                                     solutions, has completed   industrial  sectors.  The  along with its complete
         to grow its business        its multi-million develop-  completion of the move   glazing solution SYSTEM-
                                     ment programme to create   comes as Promat UK an-  GLAS , which is rap-
         – high performance          a new headquarters and    nounces that it has also   idly growing in popular-
                                     manufacturing plant in    now completed its transi-  ity in the market due to its
         insulation and fire         Lancashire.               tion to the 2015 updates to   unique a 360 degree ‘wheel
                                     The 66,000 square-foot    ISO 9001 and ISO 14001,   of assurance’ for architects
         protection. We are taken    facility – The Innova-    the two key internationally   and clients. Promat UK’s
                                     tion Centre – at Heywood   recognised quality and en-  insulation products includ-
         through the range of        near Manchester, gives the   vironmental management   ing DALFRATEX  - used
                                     company a state-of-the-art   system standards.     in glass manufacturing and
         products made at the        platform to grow its busi-  The  site  manufactures  heavy industry processing
                                     ness and respond to the   a wide range of prod-    – are also produced at the
         site, and how these         growing demand for high   ucts from the company’s   new plant.
         products are tested

         for total performance
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